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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    RBK 14k w/ Vanguard Hi-Lo conversion
  • Pants
    RBK 6k
  • Helmet
    Bauer 4500 / Oakley Pro Straight Visor
  • Gloves
    CCM 4-Roll Pro II
  • Stick
    Easton Stealth RS

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  • Location
    Buffalo, NY
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  1. I converted 14k's to Hi-Lo with no issues. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/topic/18451-custom-skates-ice-to-inline-conversion/?p=951423
  2. I was under the impression it was weight. To my knowledge, forged aluminum is harder and more rigid than magnesium. http://www.differencebetween.net/object/difference-between-aluminum-and-magnesium/
  3. Hello. I noticed your conversation about converting the REEBOK 16k ice boot into an inline skate and using the Aluminum HI-LO chasis??? Did you end up doing that and if so, how has it worked out for you? I am thinking about doing that exact same thing. Any info you could give me on this would be very helpful. Thanks

  4. Realistically, the weight difference between the two doesn't justify paying the extra money in my opinion. It would literally be impossible to notice the difference once everything is mounted. Just my two cents.
  5. We'll be in Detroit this weekend for MIHA as well
  6. Thanks! Finally got to skate them this weekend. Great fit, feel perfect, except for a bit of lace bite. Otherwise fantastic skates.
  7. Thanks! I love the look of them. Dying to skate them fully. I threw on some outdoor wheels and took a few sprints down the street last night. They are super comfortable. Impatiently waiting until friday and saturday to actually play on them.
  8. Finally got my conversion done. I'm so pumped to skate them! Reebok 14k Mission Vanguard Hi-Lo chassis Labeda Millenniums
  9. Congrats to your pro team! We took Gold in gold division and silver in silver division.
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