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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by maddigit

  1. I picked these up at the San Jose Sharks equipment sale a few weeks ago. Bauer TotalOne Brad Winchester pro stocks. Double stitched, Plus two stiffness, double felt tongues, black liner. I swapped out the fake Fusion steel for my Step Velocity steel. Left skate is 11 1/4 EA, right skate is 11 1/2 EA. They feel as if they were made for me, they fit perfectly. I'm still getting used to the extra stiffness of these, compared to my 8090's. I've only played two games so far with these, but these are the most comfortable skates I've ever worn, by far.

    My wife was mad when she found out I went to the sale, because she knew that I would buy something. She started to give me a hard time about buying these, but I knew that she had bought a brand new pair of roller derby skates on the same day, for more than twice as much as I spent on these skates. It could not have worked out more perfectly than that!

    Those are nice, you can't go wrong, I love the NXG pro stocks I picked up, won't take you long to get used to stiffness at all.

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  2. Skates: (2 Main) Bauer Nexus 1000 and Total One NXG's prostocks - (2 Secondary) Bauer 8090's and One95 prostocks (One main and secondary per bag)

    Shins: 2 sets of Bauer Vapor X 3.0

    Socks: Misc. Reebok and Tron in various colors

    Jock: 2 sets of Bauer Vapor Elite Compression Jock Shorts

    Pants: 2 sets of Bauer Supreme TotalOne Adaptable Core Pad

    Shells: 4 pair of Bauer Supreme

    Gloves: 2 pair of CCM 4Roll Pro II Gloves

    Shoulders: 2 sets of Sher-Wood 5030 Tradition Shoulder Pads

    Jerseys: Training camp/practice from a variety of AHL/NHL teams, both dark and light colors.

    Elbows: 2 sets of Sher-Wood 5030 Tradition Hockey Elbow Pad

    Helmets: 2 White CCM V08 and 2 Black CCM V08

    Bags: 2 Bauer Premium Wheel Bag (Black)

    Lumber/Sticks: A wide variety including a bunch of prostock Reebok 10k, Bauer one 30's, Sherwood T80's and a few T30's, RM19 shafts as well with a few different curves and many more sticks that are lined up that was used once or twice from different manufacturers.. I constantly change sticks.

    I rotate two sets of equipment in and out weekly.

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