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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About BraveFart

  • Birthday June 26


  • Skates
    Bauer Total One MX3
  • Hockey Bag
  • Pants
    CCM U+ FiT07
  • Helmet
    CCM Tacks 710
  • Gloves
    Warrior Alpha QX
  • Stick
    Bauer FlyLite, CCM JetSpeed 18'

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  • Interests
    Hockey (of course). Pretty much every sport: NHL, NBA, MLB, PGA, NFL, UFC, etc.
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  1. So; I had an opportunity to try out my new Bauer Vapor X 2.7 and for the price point of $119 CDN + taxes, it actually performed a lot better than I had expected. Just a couple of brief points to give you an idea about this stick: * 455 grams * QRT Technology (old tech from 1X Lite) * low kick point My stick: 87 flex, P92, Lie 6. I played pick-up last night (low-mid level) and unfortunately, I didn't have an opportunity to play my normal position: right wing. I ended up playing defence...which is a lot of work for me since my joints don't work as well as they used to (I'm 46 years old). During warm-ups I took a couple of wrist shots and it flew off....but it still felt nice. Snapshots were pretty hard and it popped off very quickly. I then tried a couple of slapshots and I noticed that even though I was aiming for mid-right post it didn't get off the ice. I then opened up the stick on my follow through and it went a bit high. I guess I have to work on the dampered feeling of this stick. I will say that my shot was a lot harder than my old stick (Bauer 1X Lite 87 flex P92). During the game, my passes were more crisp, hard and quick. The accuracy was a bit off - which was expected since I have to get a feel for this stick. What surprised me most, was the control I had with this stick...as I had an opportunity to go in and I managed to pull a heel drag at top motion and not bobble the puck and still manage to stick handle on my way to the goalie. I think after 4 or 5 more pick-up games, I can come back and get you a bit more info on this stick, as it's a bit early to really guage how good or bad it is. FYI - I'm only using this one since I am still waiting for my Bauer Flylite to be delivered...I'll post my personal review of that as well later. I'm not sure if the images will link correctly; but I've provided some pictures of it below...sorry if it doesn't work out. Will post a bit later. https://ibb.co/RDKPrD8 https://ibb.co/fFkV0Vv https://ibb.co/zG3kPpC https://ibb.co/djJbtnB https://ibb.co/8Bzf7jj https://ibb.co/RP2WHpW
  2. I too am picky about which stick I purchase. I used to be particular about the brand; and my favorite used to be Easton. I actually still have the yellow Synergy stick from way back when. Anyways, hockey in general is an expensive sport. We have a right to be picky when buying a twig. It's so hard to find that right one though. I think the two that I have in mind that came close to perfect was the first Easton Stealth (black, grey, and red) and the Easton SE16. When someone like yourself has provided in-game reviews on something we're all looking to purchase, it really helps us to understand what kind of expectations to have - even if we don't buy it.
  3. Very in-depth review on mostly technical aspects of the stick. I'd like to see more of the stick in "action" where they're put in through a lot of testing: puck control, passes, wristers, snapshots, slapshots, one-timers, etc.
  4. Ok got it. Thanks for the response and your feedback. I don't mind a 'stiff pingy blade', but I just want the feel of a durable and stable stick without subtracting the other assets: quick release, power, control, just to name a few.
  5. Good to know. That's crazy that it's so light. Have you had the chance to try it out yet? I won't be getting the chance until next Tuesday but, it's good to know some expectations and even some limitations on this stick.
  6. Went to Source for Sports at Don Mills and Eglinton (Toronto, Canada) and they've had them since this Monday. They advertise the Flylite at 390 grams for the 87 flex. I've picked on up for myself and I ordered it through a friend who works at SportChek so I can get 40% off the retail price ($349). I'll post back here for a review of it when I get a chance. I had the Bauer 1X Lite GripTac and had it for about 5 months before it broke at the next of the blade off a slapshot.
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