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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by jc450hockey

  1. Has anyone hadthe opportunity to use both Bauer's P88 and the CCM Hossa curves?

    How similar are these curves? Specifically speaking how similar is the lie?

    ive used both, very similar kane curve is slightly more curved at the toe

    I went on to hockey monkey to look for a helmet and realized the v08 was only available in limited sizes and colors, does this mean ccm is preparing to release a new helmet?

  2. you said they changed it

    Funny story (at least it's funny now), but I was looking at the catalogue and noticed that the IMS11.0 helmet was described as simply a Bauer-branded M11 Pro, and various outlets on the Internet were describing it as such.

    However, in my writeup, I noted that the 11 has perforated foam and PoronXRD in the liner. So, at this point, I was losing my mind, thinking I was spreading bad info.

    I went ahead and emailed CJ and he said indeed that the information is correct -


    The catalogue was finalized before the helmet was, and at the time, it was just going to be as described. I'm putting this up here to clear up any confusion.

  3. If it can actually be proven to significantly improve the safety of players with concussions - and I mean significantly - it will do amazing. However I doubt they'll be able to prove that in any way shape or form.

    If a company came out with a legit concussion proof helmet - a $399 or $299 price tag is in no way out of the question - and it would sell well, too. If I have kids that play hockey, I don't care how much it would cost to keep them safe - if my budget for skates and helmet are $500, I'll gladly spend $300 of that on a helmet and then $200 skates, instead of $100 or $200 helmet with $300-$400 skates.

    Yeah, if they can prove that it reduces concussions and other head injuries that most people will spend $300. Does anyone know the release date?

  4. The RBE VIII wasn't in last years catalog either. Bauer picked the wrong SKU to get rid of. They should have eliminated the RBE III as the VIII was starting to gain some major traction with high school and jr players. There are still stores out there with some left if you look hard enough though.

    I'm trying hard!! I talked to guys at pure hockey, total hockey and hockey monkey. Some are getting shipments in soon possibly others told to order through Bauer directly. The RBE III is gross, they should've kept the VIII, I think it looks better than the fm480/580

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