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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. sjs0433 try the supreme line. Vapor didn't work for me either. Look on eBay for some used one95 or one100 to convert
  2. My first conversion I finished tonight. Came out great in my eyes. Chassis is a little dated but is clean and still going strong. (Although I'd love to try the 80/76 setup eventually. The hummr 80mm chassis is intriguing but it makes my wheelbase too long on my Size 7 boot. These frames were from my old 2003 mission RPM's which were always too narrow for my foot. The holes in the chassis were kinda large so I chose a washer and lock washer combo with some loctite. Overkill Maybe. Went with slightly longer bolts than what was recommendations on here. Ended up with 3/8" for the very front holes, 1/2" for the whole middle section and 3/4 for the last 2 rear plus an addition washer. Might have been able to swing a 1/2 incher back there with one washer but the longer bolt seemed to lock in more secure being that was the thickest spot between boot and chassis. All holes were filled (that's what I said) with epoxy. Kinda messy but the plastic syringe thingy worked well as noted on one of the threads I found here. Can't wait to skate on em!
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