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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by sepansk4

  1. Great video! Thank you for having the foresight to do this. Such a great idea! It was a ton of fun and I totally had you with that upper corner and deke! Lol great job tending net! See you at the next one.

    Well here it is, my performance at Winterfest. Thankfully it wasn't quite the slaughter I was expecting, but that's primarily because the D was so solid. I wasn't THAT busy, as you can tell by the fact that the video is only 6 minutes long. Most of the goals I let in were actually mistakes that I would count as "bad" goals if it were a normal pickup session.The slapper from the point actually curved towards me. Seriously. It must have been spinning pretty fast for it to hook the way it did!Also, sorry about the camera angle. Had it pointed too far down. At the same time though, it's almost better since you can't see the far end of the rink in these videos anyway, it's good to see some of the action behind the net.Hope you guys like the intermission section I made for fun :)Enjoy!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnYj7ecGCNE

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  2. This is an interesting and necessary topic...Unfortunately, the aesthetics are going to be everything for hockey players in the pros which will ultimately determine the retail market for youth.

    Look at the Itech helmets of the 90s, think the helmet from the Mighty Ducks movie. I had one in every color they made, I am a hoarder by genetics, and faced constant teasing as a result of having the "bobble head" helmet. They were massive in comparison to the stylish helmets Bauer and CCM were putting out. However, they had a true suspension setup on the inside of the helmet that prevented your actual head from making direct contact with the foam in the helmet. Allowing the helmet and foam to actually perform their function and disperse the shock into the helmet and not the head. Some current gen helmets have started adding a slight suspension system and trying to limit the amount of contact your head actually makes with the inside of the helmet but they aren't there yet.

    Ultimately, Itech stopped making it because it was ugly and wasn't adopted by the pros thus not resulting in retail sales. It is about time we start seeing some real world studies being done in the hockey market for this.

    With one of the sports biggest stars like him or not, Crosby, having some serious issues with concussions it is only a matter of time before the industry smartens up and makes a helmet that protects against concussions not just bumps and scrapes.

  3. Helmet: Reebok 7K w/Bauer Re-Akt Titanium Cage or Oakley Smoke Half Shield

    Shoulder Pads: None

    Shin Pads: Reebok from about 5 years ago

    Elbow Pads: Bauer Vapor X 7.0

    Gloves: Reebok 9000 Pro Stock from the Red Wings Equipment Sale

    Pants: Tackla 9000

    Sticks: CCM CS Ovechkin 100 Flex or CCM RBZ Nuge 100 Flex all grip

    Skates: Reebok 20K

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