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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by jisatsu

  1. Haha, most welcome. I had a few searches - but I couldn't find anything devoted specifically to old gear. Not long sold my SK2000. I've still got the white SK600, as I said before, it's the comfiest helmet I've ever had. The red one was one of the terrible early '90s versions before they phased them out - was as protective as a mixing bowl with straps.

    As previously mentioned I got this through half an hour after posting. Brand new CCM 652:



    It's a snug fit, not uncomfy as such. Has anyone else felt this with the dark VN foam that CCM uses? Hoping if I wear it around the house for a few days it'll soften up.

    I have a couple old HT2's in my dad's attic, and I have the last one I bought in 2004 in my gear bag right now. The black foam is very stiff when left to dry over time. It softens up after about 20-30 minutes on the ice. I only use it when I'm doing stick and pucks, or feeling nostalgic.

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