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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by gokings55

  1. Yes turn the front two knobs. When you use your level/gauge measure on a straight area of the blade, once closer to the heel, and once closer to the toe. Then you can adjust the corresponding knob. It is possible for a skate to be out more on one end than the other, that is why you have two knobs. I use about 3 clicks for each line I am out on my gauge by, yours may be different depending on the equipment you use.

    Ok thanks, that helps. What was throwing me off is the blade is not centered on the wheel to get level edges. I had to raise the blade a good amount from the center of the wheel to get level edges.

  2. You shouldn't need a cross grinder. Just adjust your holder by how much you are off by and sharpen the skate again, then see if you are closer. Rinse and repeat.

    Thanks for the reply! So I turn the the two front knobs that say up and down. I assume you always turn both knobs the same amount of clicks right? Or is there ever a reason you would raise the front or back more?

  3. The majority of guys on my team were used to skating on 1/2" hollows and almost all of them prefer the 95/75, one prefers the 100/50 and one other guy skates on 90/75 like I do. 100/75 will have a lot more bite, much more like 3/8".

    Thanks for the reply Chadd. I guess I'll try the 100/75 and if it's too much bite I'll order a 95/75 spinner.

  4. Hello everyone,

    I ordered an x01 thanks to this thread. I ordered two FBV spinners. One 90/75 and one 100/75. The 100/75 I plan on using for my goalie skates and the 90/75 on my sons and mine player skates we both have vapors with ls2 steel and holders. I sharpened my goalie skates and they felt awesome at practice. Almost a little too much edge. When I tried the 90/75 on my Vapors I had excellent glide but felt like no edges. I blew edges on tight turns. I'm pretty sure I lined up the blade correctly to the wheel. We normally skate 1/2 on regular hollows. Perhaps I should try I different spinner? How would the 100/75 be on our player skates? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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