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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hi, i'm french and not fluent, so forgive my english please. My level: I never skate till 5 years ago, when i began to learn by myself ice skating, and the year after i join a hockey team (recreationnal team, but many players used to play since there are 4 years old...). So i wanted to improve my ice skate, stickhandling positionning during the summer break, i decided to join a recreationnal inline hockey team. At the end of the first "inline" summer, i went back on ice, full of faith, and it wasn't at all what i expected: i had a lever poorest on ice skating than the one i had before the summer! As i had lot of fun whith inline, i decided to find an inline skate which be able to copy the ice skate feeling. I bought the marsblade, and since one month, i use it for my inline matchs Feeling: the first thing i noticed, is the fact that i ve to be carful at my front/back balance with marsblade, after several minutes it's ok, but at the beginning, i really fill the front balance much more than in inline. turns are easy, greats, natural. To change direction is easyer, it's works much more with the balance, you just have to put your body on the right or the left, and it turns brake: not able to brake with inline, the same thing with marsblade speed: i don't konw if it s beacause apec 7 or the marsblade frame, but you fill no friction, it really fly the come back on the ice: much more natural and easyer after using marsblade than it's was with inline. I hope it will help people like me: poor ice skate level, but who want to improve their game and close the gap with their teammates. I have to check the set of the frames, it's possible to set with a screw, which up or down the frame orienation . I love marsblade, every good inline or hockey players i know who try my marsblade were very happy, they found it fun, easy, a "turning machine".
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