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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Shagel

  1. Not to mention the like 6 XN10s he's got.. lol.. i'm not here to rag on you.. Just ask like Buzz or Ponty, what do they need like all there sticks for :P

    You can never have too many sticks. ;) I was originally going to spend my birthday money on driving school. But Im going to wait a month or so to do that. So I just bought more hockey sticks. It wasnt the smartest decision, but I have a job now so Ill get the money I spent back pretty soon.

    And J-Shera Im 16.

    Parents dont chirp at you for all those sticks? My parents freak at me and I have 4 sticks

    My Dad doesnt really care,since I dont live with him and I used his credit card to order them and gave him the cash. My Mom was mad at first but now she doesnt care, she cares more about me blowing away $100 on food over the last week. I break sticks fairly quickly so I buy in bundles once a year and get a few cheap priced ones over the course of the year. I really should stop buying sticks though, Ill admit I have more than I need.

    got some pics of the curves on the twigs

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