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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. If it's work like you described it ,it's a dream:)
  2. and thanks for having taking time to answer me coz i'm considering to purchase one of them to practice off ice and i don't know which one yet . So advices of those who tried them both are very valuable for me same for me.and i guess we are not the only ones:*)
  3. Ok thank's so it seems that your winner are the sprungs ,but you do use marsblade now why ?
  4. But just one last question if you tried mars blade you must know which one is the best for the ice feel? Do they allow you to use the edges?
  5. Yes of course i understood that but i was just noticed it in case . And do you skate in sprung now?
  6. Interesting i wonder how you feel on it for real. I think i'm gonna purchase the new pack who's gonna come. But right now i'm between those and the sprung. The sprung are available ,i talk via email with joe Noris .
  7. Did you try the Marsblade chaSSIS? How are they ? Did they allow you to skate like ice with the edges and so? Great how much do you plan to sell them? And one last question does your chassis allow inline skater to use the edges like ice skating what are the similarities and what are the limit?
  8. Do you plan to sell the launching box of 199 in europe too? Do you plan to do this launching offer in Europe too?
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