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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by eksempler

  1. Hi,

    Just to tell you a bit more about the background, my thoughts on training and why Marsblade was develped.

    I was sick of putting in so many hours working out during the summers, then going back to the ice being a worse hockey player than when I stepped off the ice a couple of months earlier. I might have improved my strenght and conditioning but I actually was not a better hockey player. I wanted to create a training tool that, not only, allowed me to do conditioning, speed and strength training in a proper way (in terms of muscle activation etc), but also gave me a chance to improve my skating technique. I didn't just want to maintain my skating technique, I wanted to improve it. The only way to develop and improve is if you challenge your body.

    Challenging your body with the imbalance built in the chassis forces you to activate stabilizing muscles in the core and all the joints. This forces you to keep a good skating position and not be able to "cheat" or be "lazy". By challenging your body a bit more than ice skating, skating on Marsblade will make you improve your balance and skating techique, making it feel easy once you're going back to ice skating again. This is extra noticeable if you use our "Advanced Training" setup with a smaller wheel in the front.

    Improving your skating technique improves you as a hockey player in so many ways. It lowers your energy consumption, makes you stronger, quicker and even improves your shooting and passing. It just makes it much more fun to play. Technique training is underestimated in sports and especially in ice hockey. It is not a normal movement for the human body and demands extremely good balance and technique. If you watch players with a good skating technique, like Datsyuk, it just seems like skating is so effortless. So how do you improve you skating technique to acheive a more effortless skating? Not by running, riding a bike, skating on traditional inlines or lifting weights... You improve your skating technique by challenging your balance in the same way that you are challenged while ice skating. By controlling your centre of gravity over the foot, over the radius shaped blade. That is what Marsblade is acieving.

    A bonus feature of the rocking motion is that it allows for a smoother movement and more fluid movent pattern. As the rocker adjusts to the ground it also allows you to have all wheels on the ground (if you have the all 76 or 72mm setup) for a longer period of time, which improves your grip when you play inline hockey.


    We are also developing a version with a more powerful spring back function optimized for inline hockey. With a more powerful spring back function it will be easier to skate and you can achieve higher performance when you play.

    Hope this helps


    If it's work like you described it ,it's a dream:)

    If it's work like you described it ,that you come back as a better skater at the end of the off season then its amazing.It's all i need.

  2. Ok thank's so it seems that your winner are the sprungs ,but you do use marsblade now why ?

    and thanks for having taking time to answer me coz i'm considering to purchase one of them to practice off ice and i don't know which one yet .

    So advices of those who tried them both are very valuable for me

    It's great to hear feedback from someone who has used both. The Sprungs allowing for a varying number of wheels to be in contact due to the dual suspension lead me to believe they'd mimic the feel of a curved ice blade a bit better, but having never used the Marsblade chassis I wasn't completely sure.

    I'll definitely be curious to read your full review once you've had a chance to use the Marsblade in some games. If you still have the Sprungs and ever have back to back games it'd be great if you could use each chassis for one game...or if you had a 2 hour pickup session use each chassis for an hour. It sounds like your Sprungs may be retired though based on earlier posts.

    same for me.and i guess we are not the only ones:*)

  3. I agree with loierev07. One thing to add is that sprungs allow you to be on 4, 3, 2, or 1 wheel(s). While the marsblade don't allow this. I notice the difference while stopping and making tight turns. The stopping control/feel with spungs is 10/10, marsblade 8/10, and rigid chassis 4/10.

    Ok thank's so it seems that your winner are the sprungs ,but you do use marsblade now why ?

  4. Regarding the ice feel here are some more quotes from North American users:

    "Spent about two hours last night skating and changing up the holders, inserting the 72 wheel on front and changing the pitch around. Had a blast with them. Found my groove with the backwards pitch, being able to make tight cuts and feel like you are digging in was amazing. I gave up rollerblade about two years ago because the sensation was far less superior than being on the actual ice, but with the holder the enjoyment has differently returned."


    "The Marsblade skating is going great, thanks! So far I've played in 2 roller hockey games and one ice hockey game. The first game my ankle wasn't in too good of shape (I probably shouldn't even have played) but I could tell right away that you have to skate completely different on it vs. a regular chassis (I'm starting off with the center bolt tightened almost the whole way and will slowly loosen it as I adjust), which is good, but I was still getting used to it. Then by the second game it felt way more natural and felt like I was ice skating on concrete! It seems like they aren't as fast since it's on 72 mm wheels but the maneuverability is amazing, plus our roller rink is small so I want more maneuverability vs. speed. I also played in my first ice hockey game on Saturday since recovering from my injury and I could tell right away that the Marsblade helped my ice skating. Switching from roller to ice during the week was much easier compared to when I was using my old hi-low chassis. This is exactly what I was going for. Thanks for all of your advice/help and I'm looking forward to your product helping me improve every week! "

    Interesting i wonder how you feel on it for real.

    I think i'm gonna purchase the new pack who's gonna come.

    But right now i'm between those and the sprung.

    They like a really nice alternative to sprungs. With sprungs no longer available, its a great time to launch the product. It does not appear they ship to the US though. :sad:

    The sprung are available ,i talk via email with joe Noris .

  5. I just ordered the chassis! In case anyone is wondering they won't start distributing in the U.S. until next year but they can ship to the U.S. individually and you can pay via international wire transfer or paypal. It comes out to around $300 with shipping and everything.

    Did you try the Marsblade chaSSIS?

    How are they ?

    Did they allow you to skate like ice with the edges and so?

    Yes, we are. Pricing will be in EUR. The box is in production as we speak.


    Great how much do you plan to sell them?

    And one last question does your chassis allow inline skater to use the edges like ice skating what are the similarities and what are the limit?

  6. Do you plan to sell the launching box of 199 in europe too?

    Hi guys!

    My name is Per Mårs and I'm the inventor of Marsblade. Since it has been discussed in this thread I thought that I could tell you a bit about the product and the story.

    Originally I developed it to improve my off season training as I didn't have access to ice during the summers and wanted to be able to develop a proper skating technique and activate the right muscles. During the development process I also found out that the rocker did not only improve my off season training, it also gave a lot smoother movement pattern, quicker turns and more fluid and efficient stride.

    I can see some comments regarding our pricing. I can say that we will have a different pricing in North America once we launch there. The full set including 10 Labeda wheels and Sonic bearings will be about 249 dollars. We are also launching a box without the wheels and bearings that will be about 199 dollars.

    I have had feedback from customers that have tried the other products that has tried to solve the same problem, like Sprung, Tuuk rocker, etc and they all are amazed by how much more similar to ice skating Marsblade is compared to them all. We now have 10-15 of the best Swedish NHL players using Marsblade and also a number of the best Swedish Elite League teams as well.

    We launched in Sweden last spring and haven't been able to launch in North America yet since we are still a small company. This is why customers in North America haven't been able to purchase in our web-shop yet. However, we are now in the phase of launching in a small scale in North America this spring and will open the shop during the spring. We will soon launch an "Marsblade Ambassadors offer" giving the first 300 to sign up a very nice deal on our kit. I'll post it here for sure as soon as we have it out.

    We are exhibiting at the Let's Play Hockey Expo 7-8 March in Minnesota, if you're there, please feel free to stop by at our booth.

    Please feel free to ask any questions should you have any.

    Best Regards Per Mårs, Marsblade

    Do you plan to do this launching offer in Europe too?

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