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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Jphillips348

  1. IMG_8722_zps2da4c8c5.jpg



    IMG_1863_zps716b99d4.jpgSome shots of the wear I've encountered through 4 months of use and ownership. Near the toe cap some of the material is coming up and appears strictly to be paper-like decals kind of rising. Once again, something I hope to be strictly cosmetic and not structural.

    Fourth photo I'm not really sure how to describe. It's at the top of the boot where there appears to be a small separation. Not sure if that has to do with the stitching or not.

    I'm checking out options on custom skates... This seems like a really nice product out of the box, but if this is 4 months of wear, I don't know if I could keep up with that kind of replacement schedule lol.

  2. Have been to 10 different pro shops in my area now, and have talked about custom skates with all of them... The most knowledgeable so far has been a guy at Total Hockey in Rockville, MD that I actually met on here... My question is, being that I have a high instep, how do I ensure that if I get a custom skate that the instep is going to be right? Can you list measurements in the comments section and Bauer will take it from there, or do you need to be able to give them specifics on what modifications needed such as moving eyelets 1/4" etc etc? Also, what protections do you have if the skates come and do not fit well?

    The major problem I'm having is finding someone that is actually experienced past doing it once or twice, and on an abnormal foot shape such as mine... with short, wide feet and a high instep. Just having a bad feeling I'm going to eat a $1000 dollar cost and have a skate that doesn't fit still.

  3. I'm new to ice skating and want to eventually play hockey... Unfortunately I have a EEEE width so I can't get into any retail skates. I'm going to custom order some Bauer skates (I'm aware this is gonna run me around $900-$1000). The guy at Kettler Capitals Iceplex Pro Shop said that when you custom order you get to choose all the details. I'm wondering what specs I should get? And which model would be best for me? Thanks for any help!

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