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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by CathyGo

  1. Then they don't know what to do when we're practicing, or they straight out don't bother to practice and just sit around socializing. Which is a serious wrench in the works when you need to practice, say, stabilizing a patient on a short (spine) board and transferring them to a longboard. :mad:

    Not to mention dangerous to their future patients! Say something to the instructor when you can get them alone.

  2. Got through a whole lesson without any foot pain! :biggrin: And got my first crossovers! :biggrin:

    Can tell my feet are working hard and still have a ways to go before they feel solid the whole lesson but the pain is gone. Just fatigue and some very slight cramping that I think will go away as they get stronger.

    I switched back to the Superfeet and re-baked them at home last night. I was super careful. Used an oven thermometer, constant monitoring, oven turned off and temp stabilized before skates put in, etc. After baking and once they had cooled on my feet for 15 minutes I tied them again when I took them off. That seems to be the secret to not having the top part flare back open. I was really conscious of fighting my pronation and keeping everything straight and centered on the blade.

    I also switched to going barefoot in the skates. Just felt better that way.

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  3. Dear random jerk: I don't understand what's so hard to understand. If there's limited seating at a public skate why the hell do you have your stuff sprawled across an entire bench? What gives you the right to then go up to a few people who *gasp* moved your stuff a few inches so they could sit down and tell them "That's our stuff you're sitting on" really nastily after giving them the death glare for a few minutes? When they aren't sitting on any of your precious stuff? Next time I'm chucking your stuff, including your wife's designer purse, under the bench where it should have been in the first place. You're lucky I had friends that I wanted to have a pleasant introduction to skating or we would have had words. Get a locker if you're that concerned about your stuff!

    Seriously, two benches are there for a busy public skate and this selfish prick thanks he needs an entire bench rather than the skaters who are trying to adjust their skates or sit down for a minute. There was a whole section of metal bleachers there for those who weren't skating. I actually went and said something to a staff member it was so ridiculous. You could see him stewing about it for a few minutes before he said something.

    The rink I take lessons at is starting to have issues with this too during Saturday morning lessons but thankfully everybody is fairly courteous about it. I still don't like people who leave their bags on the benches though. Wish people would think about somebody other than themselves for once!

  4. While I was packing up the older gentleman sitting next to me informed me that before tonight he hadn't skated in 20 years. Looked real happy to be out on the ice again.

    Two of my local rinks allow veterans/service members to skate for free and give the rest of their family a discount. I'm in lessons with them or I'd feel kind of bad coming as often as I do. It really helps especially with me skating for short periods right now. I hate to pay $8 for the 30 minutes or so I last.

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  5. Woke up to no power which means no A/C or fans. Okay, they had to make repairs to a power line and the temp was still bearable. About an hour later the power came back on. So then I came home to no A/C. Called maintenance and they promised that somebody would get back to me within a couple of hours since they considered it an emergency call. I called at 6pm. It's now 10pm and no call. 85 degrees in here. At least I can run some fans to try to make it easier on my dog.

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