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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by jrgretzky99

  1. The holder being level and on center of the blade would probably be most critical. Think about it, if the holder was cocked slightly you would have different thicknesses of your edges. This could be a big problem as far as wear and breakage. My guess is the holder height would have to be checked using an indicator.

    Btw, anyone want to buy my used Wissota? This thing sounds awesome.

  2. Got them after I broke my arm for alil added protection around the plates. I was shocked how mobile they are with the extra long cuffs, so I'm hooked eagle def has the design just right.

    Nice. I have two plates in my right arm...one goes all the way up the ulna (8 inches)...18 screws total. Of course I broke it playing hockey. :)

    Fletch, does your ache like hi heaven when it gets crappy out. I've got a 6 inch plate in my right arm with 6 screws. Man is it painful 10 years later. I got blindsided at center ice with mine.

  3. Not sure if anyone else has said this (or even shares this perception), but I find that a player's talent is inversely proportional to how particular they are about their skates.

    For example, I've had numerous pros respond, "Whatever is standard" when asked what ROH they'd like, and countless ankle-benders try to give me a sharpening lesson.

    I'm no pro, but I still don't know what ROH I like. I have a great place to sharpen skates and I always say alittle deeper than 1/2 and since they know me, they tell me every time and I never remember. I like dull skates anyway.

    I hate it when people who can harldy skate tell me their exact ROH they like and they MUST have their skates sharpened exactly every two weeks even though they play open like once a week. I'm too nice to tell them that not only do they suck but they're stupid on top of it.

    This is precisely the attitude (shit) I'm talking about. In NY you get it alot. Everyone thinks it's the customer but here you go. Because you like your skates sharp you suck and you're Stupid.


  4. Pro-Poser?


    Helmet - CCM 452

    Shoulders and Visor - None

    Elbows - Jofa 9044

    Gloves - MIA MB22

    Jock - Shockdoctor Velcro Short

    Pants - Tackla 9000

    Shins - Jofa 9090

    Skates - Bauer 8090 (Soon to be one90's again) (2 pairs of skates per season, coaching and playing pickup twice a week)

    Stick - Synergy SE Forsberg Curve

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