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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by jpell

  1. Same! mind you i've had my teams for about 2 months and been out on them 2x a week
  2. thanks. done in a convection oven as no access to skate oven in Adelaide. worked well for me as i skated twice over the weekend and the skates went like a dream. I would not have gone the DIY method if there was a boot oven available.
  3. sorry of this is a double up question but did a quick search of the board and can't find the recommended temp setting for baking skates. box says 9 min but no temp. I've looked on youtube and saw 175F (so about the 96C mark) is this right?
  4. just thought i would give an update on the skates. ended up going to for a 8.5 and they fit great. toes are just feathering the front so once i heat them they should be perfect! thanks again to everyone on the board.
  5. thanks for the info guys; helps a lot. Living in Adelaide, Australia so going to a store is not an option as the only one in town is the proshop @ the rink and they don't stock too much but do have quite a decent selection of roller and ice stuff - just at prices you would not be willing to pay unless in a pinch. but hey can't blame the guy monopoly + has less buying power as there is a smaller market. I'm originally from Mississauga and would have A) gone to my local guy or B) gone to see what i could have got through the team.
  6. thanks for the info! where did you pull this from? my measurement is also from barefoot and not with the walmart socks (can't play with anything but on). can't get my head around going down to a 7 in the supremes, mind you I've never been one to enjoy having my toes brush the toe box.
  7. hi guys, looking for a bit of direction RE sizing. I wear bauer one.9 in a size8.5 but have room in the toe box (probibly should have gone down the 8); I've measured my foot and am 26cm looking at the shifts. Can anyone help with sizing? I am under the impression i'd be an 8. seeing the clearance sales have begun in anticipation of the new skates in the coming week or so it's becoming really tempting....pity there are not any stores in Australia to try 'em out; and i'm not going to wait till i go back to canada to get my hands on a pair.
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