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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Kitchener, ON.
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  1. Thanks! worked perfectly.
  2. I blocked a shot and it broke my one holder. I had it replaced at a local shop and it seems the runner does not fit the same as it had previously. They said not to worry about it. I am wondering if because vh skates are such an odd shape the holder bent when they attached it to the boot? The back seems to sit nicely. Anyone have any thoughts? http://imgur.com/a/RmFX8
  3. After reading this thread, i had a couple changes. Like the coating on the toe cap, flexible tendon guard etc. But since it seems the new model takes care of most of these things, i just kept it the way it is. Also did not get any additional colours. I think the all black boot looks pretty slick. Main thing for me is the fit, and that's what i am looking forward to the most. Also would like to note, i really like how they went to a flat head screw for the velcro instead of the button head.
  4. Just confirmed that the pair i ordered will be made to the new design. I will post some pictures when they arrive. I'm pumped!
  5. http://www.docdroid.net/1269v/vh-press-release-new-model-june2015.pdf.html , http://www.docdroid.net/126a3/new-custom-options-size-7-10.pdf.html. Seems a new boot will be available in the fall. Says it is now available for custom order, not sure that means they make them for you now, or you just order and they ship them out in the fall.
  6. Just ordered a pair yesterday. I was told the toe cap is still carbon fiber with the option of an epoxy coating. I will post pics when they arrive!
  7. Thanks for the reply and the advice. I will be ordering a pair sometime this weekend.
  8. Anyone have some updates on their VH's? Looking at getting a pair, and curious to see if any improvements have been made to the manufacturing process since the skates debut.
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