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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About lahockeyplayer

  • Birthday 03/16/1991


  • Skates
    Bauer TotalOne NXG
  • Shin Pads
    CCM Crazy Light
  • Elbow Pads
    Reebok 10k
  • Shoulder Pads
    Reebok 10k
  • Pants
    Bauer TotalOne NXG Girdle
  • Helmet
    Reebok 8k
  • Gloves
    Warrior Franchise
  • Stick
    Warrior QR1/CCM 40k Ribcor

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  • Location
    Los Angeles, CA
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  1. Im assuming you sent them back and they're now resolved? Was it pretty painless/easy to get everything redone? Did they come back correct? Its right on the order form for the black wick I cant possibly understand how that was missed and I had written confirmation the other requests were noted. If I had a fit issue and needed to resend them in, I get it. But to have everything right on the order form and still mess it up is concerning. I'm obviously no beginner to buying and baking skates, I just found it very odd that I cant get my foot in the boot, let alone half my foot, without baking it first. Baking shouldn't and isnt the end all be all of the fit. But I guess its just how VH are. And like Sputnik20 said, for a company so small trying to gain marketshare and momentum in a very specific industry mess ups like this dont bode well for them. Ive already waited 3 weeks for them just to have to send them right back to start all over. Were you given any sort of discount/compensation? As this rests totally on them, I feel something should be done in my favor, or maybe that's just the California in me...
  2. I just received my skates today and already have to send them back. I spoke extensively with Rob before I even ordered just to make sure I could get what I was asking for. We finally had everything ready to go and I put my requests in the notes section of the order, even got a confirmation email from him stating that all comments had been noted. Get the skates and right off the bat 3 things are missing/wrong Ordered Black Wick and got Clarino liner Asked for double stitching throughout the boot - non existent Reinforcing of the eyelets to prevent tearing out - nope Anyone else have issues like this from them? From reading this they seemed like they weren't the best at communication, but I went back and forth with Rob numerous times and even got acknowledgment that my requests were noted, only to have multiple issues. On top of that, perhaps its just me, but without baking the skates I attempted to slide them on just to see if there were any major fit issues that could also be addressed upon sending them back, but I couldn't even get my foot halfway in, and I completely removed the tongue after struggling beforehand. Were anyone else's skates almost impossible to put on without first baking them? I'm really concerned with all of these issues, especially on an item that costs over $900. Thanks.
  3. Great progress!! Always love to see the game grow and new players start up! Like everyone else just get those knees bent with a neutral spine, similar to how you would squat in a gym. All your power is going to come from your quads, hammies, and core. Always keep your core tight and engaged, it will help you keep your balance. Pads are a great idea as you'll become more fearless when out there, plus you'll need to get used to skating and moving with your gear on its vastly different. Start with the ski stop or 'pizza slice' motion for stopping, then slowly work on turning and using only one foot to stop. I find it easier if you're a left handed player to stop on you left, and vice versa for righties. Also use your arms. Swing them much like you would when running. It will help with balance, power, and speed.
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