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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Profile - 9'/10' Steel – Tydan 288 Hollow – 100/50 FBV About Me – I started playing hockey when I was 10 or 11 (Peewee) and stopped when I was 17 (Midget Major). I picked it back up in 2010 by joining an adult league in Seattle and I've been playing ever since (currently in Atlanta). I play a game or so a week plus a few pickup games here and there. Review - This is a brand new set of Tydan steel that I've been trying the last few games I've played. I would say that I definitely like this profile better than my stock LS3 10' radius. I'm able to maintain my speed and acceleration, while picking up a little bit of mobility and stability. It's not a drastic difference, but it is definitely noticeable. Acceleration - 3.5 Mobility - 3 Stability – 3 Speed – 4
  2. Profile - 10' (control set) Steel – LS3 288 Hollow – 100/50 FBV About Me – I started playing hockey when I was 10 or 11 (Peewee) and stopped when I was 17 (Midget Major). I picked it back up in 2010 by joining an adult league in Seattle and I've been playing ever since (currently in Atlanta). I play a game or so a week plus a few pickup games here and there. Review - This is my control set that I've been using on my FT1's for the last year. I'm a fairly decent skater with pretty good top-end speed, but I've struggled a bit with tight turns and maneuverability. I'm hoping to find a much better balance between speed / acceleration and stability / mobility. Acceleration - 3.5 Mobility - 2.5 Stability – 2.5 Speed – 4
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