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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by LunchBox0311

  1. I'm starting this process also, except my kids are older, and I'm younger. After taking the kids to the rink and skating on rentals a few times I decided that I really want to get into this and learn to play (again). I used to play a little ice hockey way back in the day 20 years ago, and played roller hockey every day all day most summers. I'm really needing to get some skates, but there isn't much in the way of LHS's here in the land of oz. The local rink here has a "pro shop", and I went there to try on some skates, but the only thing they had anywhere close to my size was a pair of Supreme 140s, which hurt after just walking around in them for about 5 min, so I didn't get much accomplished there, except figure out I'm 7.5 wide, and there weren't any wide skates there. I'm kind of reluctant to buy skates online, try them and return them, then get another pair, etc. etc. In the meantime I keep going to public skate, renting ill fitting skates with 3 buckles instead of laces, and making the best of it, lol. Anyways, where are you in Oz fatwabbit? I'm in Wichita.
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