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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Giraffe14

  1. On 3/15/2019 at 8:56 AM, marka said:


    Semi-sorta related to this...

    Has anyone compared a warrior W28 clone to other 28's?  In pictures I saw, it looked like the toe was more closed (like the CCM P30).

    Curious if that's actually the case.  I'm liking the P30 curve, but not really liking being restricted to only CCM sticks.


    P28 vs. W28 - The loft (openness) is the same, but there are very subtle differences between them.  The P28 has slightly more toe rocker and is a slightly deeper curve compared to the W28. I am currently rotating one of each in games, and I can't tell the difference with regard to the curves.  Blade stiffness, flex point, etc are much more noticeable differences to me. 


    The P30 has less toe than a P28, so I would imagine it would need more follow through on the release. 

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  2. Regarding skate stiffness, I agree with vet88.  I don't think stiff skates are beneficial to young skaters, especially a 7 year old.  Most kids don't weigh enough to see any benefit, and they will outgrow them before they wear out/break down.  My kid wore skates one model up from entry level through Squirts.  (Vapor x 300, Supreme 150, etc.) 

  3. 2 hours ago, MrData said:

    It's a dual-kick shaft, in the sense that it has a traditional (very-)low kickpoint coupled with a softer top of the shaft. The result is twofold: It allows you to load up the shaft more for heavy snappers or clappers, and as a result the stick plays softer than rated (about 5 flex softer I'd say). I like mid kick sticks (like the Dynasty), but the transition to the LT (through its predecessor the Nasty R) was seamless. It's a very versatile flex profile.

    I'll get back to you with the weight, but it's one of the lightest shafts on the market for sure. By the way, how do you like the Stiff blade? Have you used the XS as well?

    Thanks for the response, sounds like it could work well for me.  I will likely pick one up when its time to replace my current shaft.  

    Regarding blade stiffness- I do have an extra stiff blade, and I like it a lot for everything except shooting.  With the extra stiff blade, shots were not nearly as accurate or predictable.  Something about my shooting mechanics I assume.      

  4. On 1/29/2018 at 2:05 PM, MrData said:

    No, it's still available.

    Yes, the Nasty R has been replaced by the Reign LT. If you liked the Nasty R, you'll feel right at home with the LT. It's lighter, it's got a stiffer blade, and it's got lower torque when loading up heavy shots. A word of caution though: While the Nasty R OPS was available in all our blade flex options, the LT is only available with the XS+ blade, our stiffest and lightest blade yet. Still, at least in my opinion, the LT hasn't compromised on puck feel, and my transition from the Nasty R was seamless. You can still get a Reign LT shaft and match it with any of our blades (R, S, XS, or XS+).

    I'm interested in the shaft option for the Reign LT.  Can you elaborate on the flex profile?  How would it compare to say a Warrior Dynasty?

    Also, what is the weight of the shaft?  

    I currently use Base Stiff blades exclusively, and tapered shaft options are dwindling. 

  5. There is a small gap on with all of the Base blade and shaft combos I have used.  I have paired them with shafts from True, Warrior, Bauer, Reebok, and Base. I haven't had any issues with Base blades at the connection point of the shaft.  

    The gap used to bug me so much that I taped around it with black tape so it didn't look so obvious, but I've just gotten used to it. It would be nice if they would align flush like the Bauer blade & shaft combos I have.       

  6. 1 hour ago, kyleo29 said:

    Is the Malkin pro curve pretty close to the gionta? 

    I've never seen the Gionta curve, but the Malkin pro is very similar to the Bauer P88.  The primary difference is the curve is more towards the toe on the Malkin.  Rocker, blade length, lie, and overall depth are pretty similar.  

  7. Here goes...  Base BC27 on left, BC10 on right

    <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/lRs9z"><a href="//imgur.com/lRs9z"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

    BC27 on left, BC10 right

    <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/lRs9z"><a href="//imgur.com/lRs9z"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

    ^^^ I see this didn't work, links below. 





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  8. 2 hours ago, ToeDragsForDays said:

    Do you have both curves still?  Wondering I could get a photo comparison for reference...maybe curve view and them length view.  I'm a BC01 user but have nothing left and was curious about the Kovalev before I ordered again.  I like the idea of the big rocker but the length is a question for me.  

    Yep, I'll take pictures and post them.  May take me a while to figure out how to post them here though, lol.  (I know I need to set up a photo bucket or some such first.)  

  9. 3 hours ago, malcb33 said:

    I picked up 2 Nasty's and one blade in the stiff flex. Personally I found the the blade to have a dead type feel, not dampened like the One95. I didn't like it much at first but after using it more I'm starting to get used to it. I couldn't imagine how dead the regular blade flex feels.

    @Sid @Giraffe14 How is the finish around where the blade inserts into the shaft? I just looked at mine today and noticed a decent sized chunk missing off one side. I've had a bunch of Base tapered blades before and know they normal taper out leaving a gap, but this is way more extreme and only on one side

    The last 3 blades I ordered had a better fit into the shaft.  There is still a bit of a gap, but not as bad as some of the blades I recieved in the past.  I had to take a sander to one once.  That said, I have never had any performance issues or breaks at the connection point.  

  10. 18 hours ago, malcb33 said:

    Did anyone pick up the Kovalev pro curve? If how are you finding it and which stick and blade flex did you choose?

    I also picked up the blade only version with the stiff blade.  For reference, I've been using the BC10 for a little over a year.  

    The Kovalev is more rockered, which wasn't too difficult to adjust to, but the biggest challenge with this curve for me was the blade length.  It is much longer than what I am used to, and this threw off my shots.  If I had the puck right on the toe, my shots are great.  But I found it hard to keep the puck in the sweet spot for shooting.  

    I am back to the BC10 for now.  

  11. 5 hours ago, Cosmic said:

    Does anyone know if the Speed Plates are intended to be left inside the skate? At 1:33 of this video, he seems to impy that the skate and plate become 1. I have heard that getting the Speed Plates out can be a challenge. I always remove the footbeds after I skate, for proper drying out of the skates. Curious if these are intended to be taken in and out. I will use with Makos.


    I take mine out after every skate.  I use a special set of claw like tweezers that I had laying around the house.  That tape idea ^ above looks brilliant, I'll give that a try...

  12. On 8/19/2016 at 1:24 PM, flip12 said:

    There's been some discussion of the Kovalchuk pro in this thread but little is known about its specs beyond a few broad suggestions: big toe curve, rockered toe for heel-up snap shots, and a low lie. I'm all for supporting this pattern into production if its lie is in fact lower than most of the other stuff out there. Does anyone have some Kovalchuk pros by chance? If you do and wouldn't mind supplying some more info for the community interested in its retail availability, please help those of us out who are hoping it'll check the right boxes. I want to vote for Kovalchuk, but I want to know exactly how it stands first.

    There is a photo of a Kovalchuk on the "BIG toe curve" thread, but it is from 2010.  Not sure if the link below goes to the post in question, it is on page 27 of the thread. 


    • Like 1

  13. 21 hours ago, Stephen7 said:

    It's hard to nail down a lie since it's very rockered but here's a few photos next to a BC92 lie 6. I clamped 2 sticks together to try and keep consistency.




    Thanks, looks like a similar lie to the BC10, but with more rocker.  It actually looks similar to your BC28 pattern with the slight heel kink. 

  14. 1 hour ago, flip12 said:

    I haven't used the BC10. I was intrigued by it until seeing the video comparing it to the Easton E4.


    For me, the E4 is just about perfect. Any higher and I lose a lot of feel for the puck and I can't really operate without looking at it.


    I do have an E4 here I can upload comparison shots with between the Kovalevs, Leinos and Gionta I have as well. But that'll have to wait until at least next week as I'm hella busy at the moment.


    I originally got excited about Kovalev's pattern from reading about it and hearing it described as roughly a 5, since E4's were pretty much the only retail blade I could find that worked growing up, and that especially if I added a little toe curve to them. But, when I finally got my hands on a few, I realized they play more like 6's for me. I didn't think the rocker would matter as I like to handle the puck on the heel of the E4, with the toe pointed up, but the feeling of the Kovalev pro is quite a bit different: with a much shorter blade height at the heel, I feel like there isn't as much feedback from the puck when it's on the blade at that point. Although the pattern didn't work out for me as I had hoped, there are those who have found it and love it, so maybe you will too.

    Thanks for the response. I like the BC 10 because it has no heel kink, and has a rockered bottom. If it had a slightly lower rocker and was slightly less open, it would be the perfect curve for me. The pictures above give me hope. 


    While the BC10 is listed as a 5 lie, it plays closer to a 6 to me, and lining it up along side a Bauer P92 lie 6, the lie is comparable between the two. 

  15. 9 hours ago, flip12 said:

    The Kovalevs I have play more like 5.25 to 5.5--slightly higher than the Warrior Gionta. The heel starts low, but it swoops up quick. A quarter to a third of the way from the heel to the toe, it's already above 5-5.25.


    The Leinos I have play lower, like 4.5. That pattern's also more open.


    What ever happened to the Kovalchuk pro curve? There was a video with Ronning talking about that one a couple of years back. I'd be into that if it got developed. 

    9 hours ago, flip12 said:

    The Kovalevs I have play more like 5.25 to 5.5--slightly higher than the Warrior Gionta. The heel starts low, but it swoops up quick. A quarter to a third of the way from the heel to the toe, it's already above 5-5.25.


    The Leinos I have play lower, like 4.5. That pattern's also more open.


    What ever happened to the Kovalchuk pro curve? There was a video with Ronning talking about that one a couple of years back. I'd be into that if it got developed. 

    Have you used the BC10?  Would be great if the lie of the kovy was a bit lower (or even the same) compared to that curve. 


    The rocker on these makes it tough to compare without seeing them side by side in person.

  16. I would be interested in the kovy curve for sure. I like the blade in the first set of pics. Hard to tell, but as malcb33 said, it looks like the curve in the last pic has a slight  heel kink, which I am not a fan of. 


    What lie is the first one? 5 (or 4.5) would be great!


  17. 3 hours ago, malcb33 said:


    Although it looks similar, it plays quite differently due to the lack of toe rocker and lower lie on the Malkin pro. 




    I have never seen (much less played with) the old Gionta curve, but I found the lack of toe rocker on the BC71 to be a deal breaker. 


    I take a lot of wrist/snap shots, off of the toe.  Using a BC10, (or any curve with sufficient toe rocker) when I cup the puck on the toe prior to shooting, a good portion of the blade is in contact with the ice.  With the BC71, I had less blade contact, so if the puck wasn't in perfect position, I would shank the shot.  With my shooting style, curves with toe rocker are more user friendly and forgiving, particularly during games. 


    The BC71 is great at skate & shoot when I have all day to set up my shots, but I don't have the hands/skills to be able to use it as successfully during a game.  

  18. That Gary Roberts Warrior posted above (if mirrored for a righty) looks good.  The curve actually looks a lot like the BC71 Malkin, which I also have.  The BC71 doesn't really work for me due to the rocker, or lack thereof, in the toe.  I found the BC71 to be almost exactly the same as the P88 in terms of outline and rocker.  The lie was slightly lower on the BC71, and the curve location is obviously different. 


    I saw a True TC3 in person once, and if I recall it also didn't have much rocker at the toe, but I could be wrong. 


    How did the rocker on the old Gionta  compare to say a P28, BC10, or P92?

  19. 3 hours ago, akravetz said:

    How are those PK sticks. My son, 10, just broke his CCM Tacks 5052 and well, he's 10. He doesn't need a high end stick. He plays defense. I figure for a kid who is 4'3, 65 pounds, any stick will do as long as it's not a huge piece lumber. Are you guys cool with a Graf stick for a kid? 


    My son is 8, (almost 9) and he was using a Graf G95 Revolt youth stick for several months.  He liked it, and it was noticeably lighter than the APX2 youth stick that replaced it.  Durability was fine, and he isn't easy on sticks.  He would probably still use it except it is now a bit too short. 





  20. Question RE: blade stiffness options -


    How do the 3 new options compare to your older blades, specifically replacement blades?  (I use a two piece set up as well.)  Where do the older blades fit on the stiffness scale?


    Also, how will the stiffness affect blade feel, specifically receiving hard passes? One of the things I love about the Base blades I have is the puck doesn't bounce off of them.  (I have stone hands, particularly when catching hard passes.) 


    I am also interested in whatever new toe curve you may have available.  (Hopefully for righties.)  I currently use the BC10, my only issues are 1.) it is a little too open, and 2.) the lie is slightly higher than I would prefer. 



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