Hello all,
i have some issues with blisters at the heel with the RPD Max+. I bought them last year and used them around 6-8 times and i thought breaking them in/baking them would help. Starting inline hockey again few weeks ago i still had the same problems. The skates feel very confortable but when i'm using them for around 30 mins or longer (and sweating) my heel just starts moving up a bit when i start sprinting. It feels like i just can't get them tight enough. Until now i have used them around 20 times.
I baked them twice, bought some waxed laces and tried to use two sole inserts. In the end i guess they might be 0.5 or 1 size too big, but i never had similar issues with 'big' skates. My CA5 Skates were the same size and they were just fine. I use them right now but they have gotten pretty soft over the years.
Any help is appreciated.
cheers from germany