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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by SickBoy

  1. Got these in the mail today, Dustin Brown 4-rolls:



    Single-layer palms, no vents on the rolls, just screened graphics instead. He apparently cuts out the backhand liner, too - if you thought stock 4-rolls were roomy, you should see them like this :) I think there are echoes in those caverns.

  2. Anyone know if warrior is making an AK27 One Piece? My father gave me a game used pro stock he got from a friend who works at a pro arena in the area. It doesn't seem to be a shaft/blade combo but I can't find an AK27 OPS in the warrior catalog. Any ideas?

    They don't make a ak27 one piece. I believe, although am not positive, that they are just dolomites with the ak graphics package on them. Pros only.

    The shop at the Kings' practice facility has a couple of Johnson and Modry AK27's from last year. Both of theirs are setup the same way - it looks like a standard shaft with a short extension piece at the bottom, with a tapered blade. If I remember correctly, the connections aren't even painted over or anything, it's pretty easy to see the extra piece between the shaft and blade.

    I guess these guys really did want the non-tapered shaft setup, they don't look like Dolos with a paintjob.

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