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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by jackalplyr16

  1. so just picked up a new 10k, and i noticed something different about where the shaft and blade meets, i circled it in the picture, I'm wondering if anyone has any insight in what it could be? the stick and blade is full composite, at least it appears to be.


    Its definitely all composite, i noticed the same kind of thing on a 7k i think just last week when i was helping an equipment manager sort through a pile of broken sticks to send back. Reebok makes those sticks in a ton of different ways... for example:

    some of the 10ks will be painted black at the shaft and some wont have paint and you can see the carbon weave, and even though thats just a cosmetic difference, they also have a completely different feel even if they are the same flex. also once and a while i come across the ones like you have too.

  2. I still think the gloves from the Easton custom program are their nicest gloves. I'm glad my LHS ordered them for their shop I plan on buying them when my Eagles are shot. I'm wondering though, why the 800s have the coil and the 900s don't?Or atleast that's what it says in the catalogue.

    where do u get thoes?

    NVM i see it now!!

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