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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About MJB826

  • Birthday 04/23/1986


  • Skates
    CCM Tacks 4092
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Nexus
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer Vapor X80
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Supreme
  • Pants
    CCM Tacks 4052
  • Helmet
  • Gloves
    Bauer Vapor X80
  • Stick

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  • Interests
    Hockey, duh
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  1. Hello!  I love the performance of the CCM lines, but I've had the hardest time finding the right fit.  My LHS tells me I have a standard width foot and medium volume.  I ended up getting Tacks 4092 in 8D.  My heels slip a lot relatively speaking and my mid-foot KILLS even after multiple skates and leaving the bottom laces very loose.  Do you think an EE width in the JetSpeed would be a good fit for me?  I am done taking the LHS's advice.  Thanks!

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    2. BelangerJS


      Great, i just got around to this but hope you were properly helped.

      what did you end up going with? Model? Size?

    3. MJB826


      Hello JS,

      My foot is 270mm long by 10cm wide.  I finally got a pair of Tacks 5092 in 7.5 D and they feel great!

      I did some deeper research and I noticed something interesting, I don't know if it coincidence or typo or what.  My pair of Tacks 5092 7.5 D made in VIETNAM says fits shoe size 9 US or 27cm.

      I also have another pair of Tacks 8.0 EE made in THAILAND says fits shoe size 9.5 US or 26.9 cm (odd right?) although I was swimming in these.

      I also have a pair of Bauer Supreme 8.0 D made in THAILAND that says fits shoe size 9.5 US or 26.8 cm.  I was also swimming in these skates.  

      So I am interested to see if there are more connections between the skate/shoe size comparisons depending on where they were manufactured.

      Hope you find this as interesting as me! :)


    4. MJB826


      Hello JS,

      My foot is 270mm long by 10cm wide.  I finally got a pair of Tacks 5092 in 7.5 D and they feel great!

      I did some deeper research and I noticed something interesting, I don't know if it coincidence or typo or what.  My pair of Tacks 5092 7.5 D made in VIETNAM says fits shoe size 9 US or 27cm.

      I also have another pair of Tacks 8.0 EE made in THAILAND says fits shoe size 9.5 US or 26.9 cm (odd right?) although I was swimming in these.

      I also have a pair of Bauer Supreme 8.0 D made in THAILAND that says fits shoe size 9.5 US or 26.8 cm.  I was also swimming in these skates.  

      So I am interested to see if there are more connections between the skate/shoe size comparisons depending on where they were manufactured.

      Hope you find this as interesting as me! :)

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