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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Thth285

  1. Does anyone have experience with the new CCM Fit System? They say it’s supposed to be better, but It seems like now theres fewer options. For instance, I wear a Jetspeed EE, according to the charts, this puts me in the middle “Regular Fit”, however Regular fit also encompasses Tacks D and Ribcor D, which have significantly more volume. How can all three Jetspeed EE, Tacks D, Ribcor D feet all fit into the same boot now? 

  2. On 10/16/2021 at 5:49 PM, caveman27 said:

    You'll want to go with large.

    I have medium, and I was 185 lbs., 5'6", had a 33 waist and it is tight. 

    I bought CCM HPUCLP from prostockhockey.com, very satisfied. These are not clunky, but the padding has some bulk to it. Mobility isn't an issue. I don't know about the HP70 though. Cost-wise, cheaper than retail top-of-the-line pants. Quality, really great.


    I like the CCM pro-stock gloves too, if you are thinking about that too.


    Yea I went ahead and ordered the Larges. Ill have to check some gloves out as well.

    Thanks for the info! 

  3. Does anyone have experience with CCM HP70 pro stock pants, or CCM pro stock pants in general?

    I am 5’ 8” 180lbs  34/35 ish inch waist

    Not sure wether to go medium or large.

    Do you find the Xtra protection versions worth it, or does it make them to bulky/clunky?

    Any advice would be appreciated!



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