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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. SabbyP

    Zuperior M

    Steel - Tydan 271 Hollow – 5/8" Profile - Zuperior M About Me – I started skating and playing hockey at age 14. I Played midget and college club. In high school and college I worked at the local ice rink and got lots of free ice time. The local rink closed and I spent 10 years away from the game. A year and a half ago at the age of 39 I got back into the sport and now get to skate at least once a week. At a hockey camp in high school I had my skates profiled for the first time. I had never heard of it before but it made a massive immediate difference in my skating. I was never able to get back into contact with the gentleman who did my original profile. So, after that set of good old CCM Pro Lite 3 steel was finished I had to skate on stock profile. When I got back into hockey I began researching profiling and that is what leads me here. Review - I found the Zuperior M profile to be very similar in feel to the Quad 0. I'm a little faster with the Zuperior M, but I don't have the same level of mobility. Stability felt about the same as Quad 0. The Zuperior M is a profile I could live with but I'm going to give the Quad 1 a try next. Acceleration: 3 Mobility: 3 Stability: 4.5 Speed: 4
  2. Sounds like you need to check out the Pro Sharp Project section of this forum. Lots of good information over there.
  3. SabbyP

    Quad 0

    Steel - CCM Speed Blade +2 Hollow – 5/8" Profile - Quad 0 Height: 5'11 Weight: 190 About Me – I started skating and playing hockey at age 14. I Played midget and college club. In high school and college I worked at the local ice rink and got lots of free ice time. The local rink closed and I spent 10 years away from the game. A year and a half ago at the age of 39 I got back into the sport and now get to skate at least once a week. At a hockey camp in high school I had my skates profiled for the first time. I had never heard of it before but it made a massive immediate difference in my skating. I was never able to get back into contact with the gentleman who did my original profile. So, after that set of good old CCM Pro Lite 3 steel was finished I had to skate on stock profile. When I got back into hockey I began researching profiling and that is what leads me here. I'm not sure how I would describe my skating style. Review - This is my first profile done for the Pro Sharp Project. All I can say is WOW! My stability was vastly improved. I saw a big increase in agility. This profile really increased my confidence on the ice. The only drawback I see to the profile for me is in top end speed. I definitely don't feel as fast in this profile. I've had a recent injury and haven not been able to skate for the past few weeks. When I recover I plan on putting the profiles up against the clock. I may change my mind once I try other profiles, but right now the Quad 0 works great for me. Acceleration: 3 Mobility: 4 Stability: 4.5 Speed: 3
  4. SabbyP


    Steel – SB Tydan 271 Hollow – 5/8" Profile - 9'/10' (Control) About Me – I started skating and playing hockey at age 14. I Played midget and college club. In high school and college I worked at the local ice rink and got lots of free ice time. The local rink closed and I spent 10 years away from the game. A year and a half ago at the age of 39 I got back into the sport and now get to skate at least once a week. At a hockey camp in high school I had my skates profiled for the first time. I had never heard of it before but it made a massive immediate difference in my skating. I was never able to get back into contact with the gentleman who did my original profile. So, after that set of good old CCM Pro Lite 3 steel was finished I had to skate on stock profile. When I got back into hockey I began researching profiling and that is what leads me here. Review- I went with the 9’-10’ based off of a recommendation. I wasn’t sure what profile would be best for me. I feel my speed is good with this profile. I feel like I can really accelerate well during forward cross overs. My agility doesn’t seem that great and I’ve been catching my heel edges quite a bit during transitions forward to backward and lateral movement feels a little slow. Acceleration: 4 Mobility: 2.5 Stability: 2 Speed: 4.5 Next Profile: Quad 0
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