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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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STEP_Official last won the day on February 8 2020

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  1. Give us a call, we might be able to help you out : 1 866 688-7111
  2. unfortunately we only manufacture STEP STEEL blades for the CXN holder.
  3. This is true. STEP will continue to manufacture for a limited time to deplete our stocks but once we are out we are out. I can't say to much more at the moment. we value every customer of STEP Blades no matter what brand skate you use, you are the reason why we strive to create the best possible hockey blades on the market. You will only see better from us going forward! Thanks,
  4. hello Danny, Thanks for your question. Unfortunatelly we dont have any merchandise avaliable to the general public, but if you head over to our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/stepskates) we are currently running a contest to win an Official STEP hat that only Reps, Sponsored players and some staff have access to (Like and share to win). There is a chance that they will become avaliable in the future but for now this is the only way to possibly get one. Thanks, Mike
  5. No Worries George. If you change your mind, the blades will shipped out to our distributors at the end or August for our official release. Thanks,
  6. Hi George, The only place that would have them is our Alberta, Canada distributor. here is their website. https://stony-plain-skate-service.business.site thanks, Mike
  7. Hi George, we have started production of the STPROXS 230 (221 and 215) a few places have these blades now but we are officially releasing them at the end of this month (August) They will be avalable in all 3 finishes (STEPSTEEL, V-STEEL and BLACKSTEEL). Thanks, Mike
  8. Hi George, Thanks for the photos. So marks on your blade look like blade contact marks where your blades have come into contact with other blades. due to the mirror finish it is much easier to see these contact points. These marks would not appear on our Blacksteel as all. I hope this helps answer your question. Thanks,
  9. Hi George, This is strange especially on the Blacksteel. if you like you can send me a photo at INFO@Stepskates.com and i can have a look. Update: In regards to your previous question we have started taking orders for the SPEEDBLADE XS Blades 215, 221 and 230 for a late August delivery. (This includes BLACKSTEEL and V-STEEL!!!!!)
  10. Hi George, They will be avalable at the same time worldwide. It will really depend on your local stores distributor, whether they order them in early or late.
  11. We are hoping to have the STPROXS in 230, 220 and 215 out this summer ready for next season (Northern Hemisphere) .
  12. Hi George, Thanks for your question. We currently have a 5 pair blade pouch available, but we are looking into soakers and single blade pouches as demand for a STEP product is increasing. so you might expect to see them in the future. Thanks,
  13. Hi John, Thanks for your question, You can buy these directly from STEP By emailing us at Info@STEPSKATES.com Thanks,
  14. Hi STG so the advantage of the V-STEEL is the decrease friction due to the Hyper polishing, if you stone a V-STEEL blade it is likely that you will create friction points along the blades surface which would lessen the glide quality. this is the same for the Blacksteel with the added destruction of the DLC coating. I really dont advise using a regular honing stone. the best would be a STEP Rubber based honing stone, but if you dont have access to one of those you can use a thick leather cloth (with care, as the edges will be sharp). Thanks,
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