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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 Neutral


  • Skates
    Supreme 2S Pros
  • Hockey Bag
    Bauer 950
  • Shin Pads
    Nexus 2N
  • Elbow Pads
    Nexus 2N
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
  • Helmet
    Bauer 75M
  • Gloves
    Nexus 1N
  • Stick
    Nexus 1N P14 curve and CCM Ribcore P30 curve

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  • Location
    Twin Cities
  • Gender
  1. Yeah, I am too but I wasnt thrilled with the 1S fit so I bought the CCM AS1s instead... absolutely love them. Fit great, seem pretty light, and very protective.
  2. Since nobody has responded to me, I went to the Bauer store today and they let me check out the protective section of the 2019 catalog. I was rather disappointed that the 2S Pros are their only high end breezer but they are an anatomical fit. The model down is more of a traditional fit but isn’t a top end like the 1N or the 2S Pro. I ended up trying on the high end Vapors and the CCM AS1s at another store and eventually purchased the AS1s because they seemed to fit better. I have mixed feelings though because I’ve always been a Bauer guy and neither the AS1s or the high end Vapors were perfect... so I picked the best option available. Anyone using the AS1 on here?
  3. Does anyone here have information on the new Bauer Supreme equipment being released at the end of June? I'm specifically wondering about their high end breezers. Thanks, Mnhockey
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