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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by analog999

  1. Thats not my point, my point is that warranty's have to be made through the company and I can do nothing about it. I told her that at least 10 times.

    So why would you have given a new stick to someone from your town? We don't have an LHS in my town, so I have to go somewhere else. I hope they won't discriminate against me just because of my address.

    Don't get me wrong, I think the woman you described was way off and you dealt with her the right way. But why make an exception for someone local? As you said, it's Bauer's policy that warranties are made directly through them.

    Megamandan does have a point. Store loyalty should be rewarded. Nothing strange with that.

    But store loyalty is different than being local... unless that is what he meant by "local"...

  2. Thats not my point, my point is that warranty's have to be made through the company and I can do nothing about it. I told her that at least 10 times.

    So why would you have given a new stick to someone from your town? We don't have an LHS in my town, so I have to go somewhere else. I hope they won't discriminate against me just because of my address.

    Don't get me wrong, I think the woman you described was way off and you dealt with her the right way. But why make an exception for someone local? As you said, it's Bauer's policy that warranties are made directly through them.

    I agree with cheechoo... just because someone is local doesn't mean they should be treated differently. What do you guys do with the broken ones?

  3. After arguing my manager came in and what does he do? He gives her a new one. My manager is a softie and won't stick up to anyone.

    That is the worst. It makes you look like an imbecile. If I was the manager I would have told the lady it was time to leave the shop or I would call the cops. I don't take bullshit from people. I run my own store (not a HS, and online only), but we get calls from asshats. I don't think they expect it when I tell them that they're being rude and I won't deal with them. Shuts them up really quick. Some people just think yelling is going to solve the problem. No - being honest will help solve the problem. I don't have problems with customers who call yelling at me if their problem was my fault and is correctable through me. I have problems with the ones that broke their own stuff and call and yell at me.

  4. Sean Skinner says that he prefers rounded toe as at any angle there is more stick closer towards the surface of the ice. That is true except when the square toe stick is flush. I personally believe that a rounded toe does help but I think that you could get good with ANY shaped toe as long as you practice a lot. I use Shanahan (square toe) and have gotten much better in the last few months with practice.

    My thought is hey, if the pros can do it with a square toe, I should be able to too...

  5. DARKSTAR...gotta love the little kids with the momies that have just started out and tehn they go over the the stick racka nd pick up a stick thats way to big for them and jump on the stick trying to flex it!! Ive seen about 3 of those the last time I was at the icehouse for a game..quite funny since the mother is standing right there too...

    Speaking of mommies..

    Nothing better than when the hot moms come in ..

    Not even when a hot single girl comes in?

  6. i kindly asked him to clean up his un necessary mess and he lost it and walked out without paying for the skate sharpening. i wonder if hes gonna come back if there isnt enough bite..... :unsure:

    I would have called the cops! He'd be sorry when the police tracked him down, even if they just gave him a warning.

  7. Helmet: Bauer 3000

    Shield: old itech half shield modified/shortened with a dremmel tool

    Shin Guards: Bauer Biaxial

    Elbow Pads: Easton Z-Air

    Shoulder Pads: Easton Z-Air (heavy duty) (Itech Pro 660's coming)

    Pants: Vic's 7-something  (old)

    Gloves: CCM something fabric outer

    Skates: Bauer XXX & Bauer Supreme 1000's

    Shaft: Bauer XV's

    Blade: Easton Shanahan Ultralight Graphite

    Why would you get a Tapered shaft with a standard blade?

    Didn't know it was tapered until I got it.. ordered it online, it was a closeout. Either way I was happy enough with it that I ordered a second.

  8. Helmet: Bauer 3000

    Shield: old itech half shield modified/shortened with a dremmel tool

    Shin Guards: Bauer Biaxial

    Elbow Pads: Easton Z-Air

    Shoulder Pads: Easton Z-Air (heavy duty) (Itech Pro 660's coming)

    Pants: Vic's 7-something (old)

    Gloves: CCM something fabric outer

    Skates: Bauer XXX & Bauer Supreme 1000's

    Shaft: Bauer XV's

    Blade: Easton Shanahan Ultralight Graphite

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