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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by andrew0790

  1. Not a problem! I appreciate the thought!
  2. I agree, you've just never met my wife 😂 Once I'm graduated and start shipping out my plan is to save a little and then get a set of True made for me
  3. The Nike's are a size 11D. I live in Maine. This weekend I'm heading to have my feet properly sized for current Bauer and CCM skates since I hear they fit a bit differently
  4. That's what I was afraid of. My wife is going to be ecstatic when I tell her I need new skates 🙃
  5. Hey guys first post here, Anyway I've got a set of old Nike Quests that I love. Problem is the plastic outsole is cracking and a chunk came out of the back this past week. I just bought a house so unfortunately new skates aren't in the budget right now. Is this something I could fill with epoxy to get the skates to last me until I can afford a new pair? Thanks
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