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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Van67

  1. The stitching is good.. Seems to me like the problem could have been avoided by adding more stitching above the material inside rather than relying on adhesives. As for the tendon guard issue, the bad spots can be pushed down where they belong, the gluing was just a bad job. Not sure the guy I would take these to would need to remove it to glue them down. Will be his call though. He's the expert.
  2. These are the worst spots.
  3. That's the thought that's been going through my mind. Couple spots that need a bit more attention than others and I have a local guy who is good with equipment, so I am fine going that route. (It looks like they just didn't use enough material above the stitching to have a good hold. I'm also quite disappointed with this kind of quality control for $1100+ and wasn't going to not make True aware of it. Thrilled with the comfort and performance for what I do on the ice these days, but I said some bad words when I took them off last night. Now that I think more as I type, would having a small repair like gluing seams back together done locally void the warranty if something worse goes wrong?
  4. I found a few more spots where the glue on my skates is weak and seams coming apart at the top of the boot. I emailed the warranty email address last night. How long do they typically take to respond?
  5. The local Can Tire had some left so I picked one up. Still not sure if I NEED it, but I have other convenient uses for it, so I figured why not. Now if only I can shin pads for refs in town, which is a whole different ball game lol.
  6. Opted for True for my first pair of custom skates. Aside from one small spot at the back that needs some more glue, I am quite happy with them. Skating pain-free with my WIDE feet is incredible. One thing that was recommended to me when getting fitted was to get a boot dryer. After skating on them for the first time last night, the inside dried just fine overnight. Is a boot dryer necessary? What are the advantages of getting one? Will it extend the life of the skate? If I do get one, what's the highest temperature that the skates should be dried at?
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