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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by MikeJames

  1. Have never tried medical or hypoallegenic tape, only the rubbery grips and they seem to save my gloves from getting holes in them just as well!
  2. RocketGrips are like less than a millimeter, so if yall are looking for something supper thin that's something worth a try
  3. Heres the link if anyone wanted to see what I'm talking about as it's not a popular grip i dont think lol Have seen a couple PLL players and a few NHL players using them too which is pretty sweet. http://www.rocketgrip.com
  4. My issue with other grips was them being too thick as well so i was pretty skeptical of the rocketgrips, but they're actually super thin and you can sorta customize the fit as well! Everyone is pretty particular about their sticks, but this is something i would recommend to try
  5. Ive went through way too many gloves and fixed way too many palms because the regular tape eats right through them. Just ordered a few grips that ive seen all over lately from rocketgrip.com Has anyone tried those? The technology looks pretty sweet plus you can design it?? Excited to try them out, but wanted to see what others are using and what yalls opinions on different grips!
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