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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Jzwolen

  1. Can I get in on the fun, even though I just skate roller for fun?  I've always been a gear-head

    Helmet: Losing my hair

    shoulders, shins, and elbows: nope.

    Pants: OLD all black BiltRites

    Gloves: Upgraded to Bauer 1x Lite

    Skates:  Vapor 1x 2.0, dyed black Sprungs

    Sticks:  OLD Innovative 1100 shaft '11/300'.  Great whippy shaft for ball hockey.  Koho ABS blade for asphalt, heated/shaped to Shanahan/Cammeleri P10 curve

  2. Thanks for the input.  I know it there is enough 'meat' around the end where the Sprung plate will go, my concern is that the very inner edge of the boot baseplate is almost hollow.  Drilling through it doesn't seem like it will be stable at all.  

    As far as general mounting goes, I just purchased the ModSquad mounting option and will be shipping them out to JR.  

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  3. Long time lurker, first time caller....

    I'm looking to get into some roller fun in the next few weeks, after a 10yr hiatus.  Pick up some 2017 Vapor 1x to convert, and a fresh pair of Sprung A8s.  I just removed the ice older from the boots, and was a little surprised to see the carbon base plate wasn't solid, but hollowed out under the holder.  Looking at the sprung baseplate, it doesnt look wide enough to rest on the flat/supported parts of the boot like where the ice holder was.  link to pic below. 




    Curious to know what my options are at this point?  Since I'm a notorious DYI'er, my immidiate thought was to fill the open area with 2 part epoxy.  

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