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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ScullySkater

  1. Disclaimer upfront - I'm not a hockey player, but a figure skater/ice dancer, so please don't hate me 🤭 I don't jump though, so I'm not one of the people who leave pick toe-pick gouges in the ice! I'm on the look out for the "old" CCM Custom Support Insoles, in high arch, size small https://www.hockeymonkey.com/ccm-hockey-accessory-custom-support-insoles-sr.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw9MuCBhBUEiwAbDZ-7kR8NwOOoMCZUCNCeZ_0L4Qiecm6aqVIgyLjDTDouvjY7Y70Dv0ypBoCMAQQAvD_BwE#978=116766&979=116813 The "new" CCM Orthotech insoles do NOT work for my feet, so I want to snap up a few more pairs of these before they disappear forever. If you have a shop with some in inventory or know of a place I can order from, I'd be very grateful. I live in the Washington DC metro area. Also, if you are also a fan of the old CCM/Currex insoles and have a high arch and have found a good replacement, please let me know. Annoyingly, most of the insoles made specifically for figure/dance skates do not work for my feet. Even if I add wedge support under the medial arch area of the insole, the rest of the insole does not conform to the rest of my foot well or give me a good heel lock.
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