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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Bstboy

  1. 12 hours ago, krisdrum said:

    If you missed the official tryouts and they have open spots, having him join the team for some workouts is logical.  I've certainly seen the opposite scenario, pre-tryouts, having a kid the coach is potentially interested in coming and skating with the team to assess fit, ability, etc.  And a conversation follows that would indicate if they should officially tryout, or seek another situation.  Not sure there is a "typical" in this situation as it isn't formalized like a tryout period, but if the coach and organization are halfway decent they realize the more time you spend with them, the less time you have to find another team if this isn't going to work out.  So, I would ask the question, but believe a decision can be made after a couple interactions at most.   

    Are you paying for the time with the team?  Or you an invited guest?

    It's actually no cost.  Dryland and on ice.  We were not invited for the initial workout ..we seeked that out ourselves.  But we were officially invited back by the HC for the next one.  

  2. Hi

    We just moved to a new area and my son is having a workout with a local high tier team with a few open spots.  The first workout was on ice skills and small area games.  The coach emailed us back and said he appreciated him being there and would like to invite him to the next team workout of dryland and on ice work in a couple weeks.  How do these "workouts" typically work?  Is it a couple sessions then a decision is made if he's a good fit or not?  We are used to the tryout process but not this post tryout workout process.  






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