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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Hawks18

  1. Awesome!! Thanks for the response, @Marsblade. Keep up the great work over there...as a lifelong hockey player, these blades and this technology looks amazing!! I'll keep an eye out for additional updates - can't wait to purchase some skates for my little guy. 🙂
  2. Specifically, this is exactly what I'm trying to accomplish...would be nice to purchase one single pair of blades for my little guy and simply adjust / swap between R1 radius inserts for multi-purpose skates. @Westside - Thanks again for posting additional reference...I'll continue to scan through them!!
  3. I appreciate your response, @Westside. I'll check out your additional references. Yes, I did read the first page and every subsequent page of this thread - it does detail different feel and experience between O1 and R1 throughout. Unfortunately, I am looking for very particular information...I'd like to gather insight about one R1 radius insert and how it corresponds to an O1 default setup, specifically. Example: R1 + H5-T8 = O1. It may be this simple, but I'm not an expert and that's why I'm trying to ask one. 🙂
  4. @PetterErlandsson & @Marsblade - thanks for taking the time to answer questions!! It has been extremely helpful to me several years later... I don't know if this thread's still being tracked, but...what's the R1 radius insert that closest resembles what you'd feeling using an O1 chassis? ...and approximately how similar would R1 and O1 skating experiences feel, while using this radius?
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