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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Any update here? Did you figure something out with Tyler? My older son likes the Gold. But my younger son's skating seems to have regressed; he's skating more upright now and not going as low as he used to and is having difficulty putting in longer, deeper strides. I don't know if the issue is something physiological with him that has changed recently (growth, hip mobility), the new skates (went from Bauer Vapors to CCM Jetspeeds) or the profile (went from Zuperior S to Skatescribe Gold). I would really like to try the 981 Quad Hybrid for him or go back to Zuperior. I'm going to have him do a few skate sessions on his old skates to see if he's able to skate like he used to.
  2. Would be wonderful if you and Tyler can figure some kind of partnership out and get the 981 Quad Hybrid profile programmed into their Skatescribe software 🙂 My issue with mailing them out is the delay in getting them back; what are my kids going to do in the meantime? They're each on the ice 4-5 times a week and there isn't much time in their schedule for me to mail them out and wait for them to come back 😞 This is why I was looking for something local that could do it on the spot in GTA west.
  3. Unfortunately, I am sorry to say that they are 100%, most definitely lying 😞 I even have an email from Tydan where they replied "Yes" to my question "Is Gold the same as 981/Quad Hybrid?". However, they aren't selling or advertising the Gold as a 981/Quad Hybrid; it was actually me who sent them an email through their website asking if they do 981/Quad Hybrid, to which they simply replied "Yes". I then went to the location in Mississauga and asked for it and the guy working there had no clue what it was. That's when he called someone else who told him that it's the Gold. That's when I sent my second email asking for confirmation that they are the same and got the "Yes, correct" reply. Is there somewhere in GTA West where I can get the 981/Quad Hybrid profile in person? If not, I will just let the boys continue skating on the Gold and see if they are happy with it. My older son (13yo) went from a Quad Zero to Skatescribe Gold. The younger son (10yo) went from Zuperior S to Skatescribe Power Cut to Skatescribe Gold.
  4. I went to Tydan and was told that the Skatescribe Gold is a renamed version of the 981/Quad Hybrid but is the exact same profile. I'm a little skeptical but got the Gold done anyways on my boys' skates. They skated on them over the weekend and seem to like them, but need more time on them. Can anyone here confirm that Skatescribe Gold is indeed the same as 981/Quad Hybrid?
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