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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hey guys I’m new to the forum and glad to be here. Been playing hockey for years but finally had to get new skates. I’m coming from my amazing Easton makos and can’t find any skate that has the same fit. My Bauer scan said if I did customs I would need a left 8.5 and a right 7.75 fit 3 so that’s how messed up my feet are. So I figured I would try some trues. They felt pretty good in the store yesterday then tried them on again last night and I have a hot spot on the inside of my foot right where my first knuckle of my big toe is. I baked them but idk if my oven got hot enough. I did the preheat to 180 and shut it off and put them in for 8 min but it did t seem like it was hot enough because they definitely weren’t as hot as they were in the store. So idk if I should try the “tape or paper trick” or what. I got them in Canada because I had to go look at a work apartment so that was a 5 hour ride. The closest hockey store is pure hockey which is 30 min away. So I don’t really know what to do. I’m going to try skating in them tomorrow but idk how much breaking in they will do.
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