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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Joe

  1. I live in the greater Sacramento area. You're correct about having to drive too far for quality serivce and expertise. However, the quesiton remains, would the local hockey community support a small shop? I'd love to own and operate a shop but with everything that I have read, it seems that small retailers have it pretty tough due to large online retailers. I would have to imagine that this would only be magnified in a niche hockey market.

  2. I am considering opening up a small, service-oreinted hockey shop (new equipment and used/consignment) in my neck of the woods in Northern California. I would greatly appreciate some feedback and guidance on several items:

    1. What is the average transaction size for a customer? I know it will vary given that some people may but a full set of equipment (seasonally) and others may but small items. I am just trying to establish an average.
    2. The larger metro area that I live in only has one arena (two rinks), one roller facility and several other outdoor free rinks. My conservative estimate is that there are likely 1,000-1,700 players in the area. Is the opportunity large enough to consider?

  3. Over the last week or so, I have not been feeling well. This morning around 2:30 am it finally came to a head, I was in unbearable pain (albeit a familiar pain)I knew I was experiencing kidney stone pain. My wife and I went to the ER and after treatment, and a CT scan I am hopefully expected to pass a 3 millimeter stone in the next 48 hours.

    The medicine also made me sick on the way home. What a morning.

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