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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by SickLife

  1. On 4/23/2023 at 2:10 AM, Miller55 said:

    I use A7s and actually have not had longevity issues myself. I have a few pairs as I bought backups, but in reality I have only used one set for 3 years now basically, 3-5 games weekly indoor sport court and haven't had issues. The original a6 did have issues but the A7 are pretty sturdy. To be fully honest, I have not taken them apart to clear in about 19 months and they're fine, but I suspect that my laziness will affect the longevity down the road

    the part that always wears for me is the one that holds the two rockers, the hex shaped piece that the long pin goes into. it loses shape, and then doesn't hold that bolt/pin in place, so it spins and the pair of rockers is a bit loose. which unfortunately is part of the chassis and you can't actually replace.

  2. is it advisable with R1's to use a harder durometer than you might regular chassis? i know that was said about sprungs back in the day, originally i used xsoft's but when i started on sprungs i went with a 76a.


    i've been on the R1's since the fall and have a few sets of the revision flex. so first i tried the all 78a. then 76a. now i'm experimenting with the xsoft flex's on the ~74a side. its so hard to tell though with the ability to tweak the chassis insert. i know its a lot of personal preference. but i found myself slipping with 76a's. across. but the 74a feels a bit muddy.

    is it advisable with R1's to use a harder durometer than you might regular chassis? i know that was said about sprungs back in the day, originally i used xsoft's but when i started on sprungs i went with a 76a.


    i've been on the R1's since the fall and have a few sets of the revision flex. so first i tried the all 78a. then 76a. now i'm experimenting with the xsoft flex's on the ~74a side. its so hard to tell though with the ability to tweak the chassis insert. i know its a lot of personal preference. but i found myself slipping with 76a's. across. but the 74a feels a bit muddy.

  3. any other tf9 users kind of hate how stiff the tongue is? i've tried adjusting to all different heights and it constantly digs into my foot. considering swapping it out for the felt tongue that comes with the tf7. just hate the idea of buying the more expensive skates and then spending another $70 to swap the lesser models tongue.

  4. 2 things.

    1. the seam on the top of the palm right under my pointer finger is REALLY tight. & i don't think that's going to break in.

    2. i wish i had another material in there somewhere. maybe leather in the middle. just to break it up.

    3. even though it's supposed ot be 13", it's a lot bigger than any other 13" i've owned.

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