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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by bugscoe

  1. Got my FBV blades back from Bob yesterday. Went to the local outdoor rink last night along with some other dads to take on some high school kids and test out the new FBV sharpening.

    I got going good and fast, real fast, and got tangled up with the boards and a fence behind the net and ended up with 4 stitches above my eye, all within 5 minutes after we started. My arm got wedged between the fence and the boards (there is about a 4-5" gap between the two) which brought me to a grinding halt, leaving my face to take on the edge of the boards. Boards won.

    For the short time I actually did skate on them, I was very happy. I came from a 1" hollow and found no problem with the 5/8" edge on these. In fact I actually preferred it given the extra glide of the 2" and having the ability to cut easier without sacrificing my speed. (But that is also why I now have 4 stitches and a lovely black eye!) The glide was also very smooth and fast.

    This FBV thing seems to be what I was always hoping I could get out of my regular sharpenings.

    I'll be sending my other sets to Bob and sticking with the FBV.

  2. Has anyone skating on the FBV 2" / 5/8", come from a regular sharpened hollow of 1"?

    I'm waiting for my blades from Bob, having him do the 5/8 but am concerned that coming from a 1" regular hollow is going to make the edges feels way too sharp??

    It ended up that I had to leave the prototype 90/75 spinner behind because he did not want to go back to an 1.5 roh.

    SAK - thanks for the reply. Please excuse my ignorance here but did Cory make the same switch, to a FBV 5/8"?

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