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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by cammerz12

  1. 53 minutes ago, puckpilot said:

    Where did you hear that Cyclone Taylor's is closed? I just checked their website and there's no indication of closure, and this past summer, they made a big advertising push, with give-aways and stuff. I was in one of their locations last week.

    If you want to hit up one of the Vancouver shops for fitting, I'd recommend Cyclone Taylors and the Hockey Shop. Unfortunately, the hockey shop is going to be closed from the 13-18 while they relocate back to their original location. Another place is Ice Level Sports. I don't have any actual experience with skate fitting with them, but I've heard lots of  good things. I've gone to them for sharpeninngs and eyelet repairs. They were solid on those fronts. 

    Bad research on google maps, I should’ve verified that before posting. I’ll be there before the 13 but I’ll check them out and I’ll give the Hockey Shop a call before I go. I’ll be there for the weekend 9-11 and I’m hoping to try and get a radius profile done as well but I understand that’s a lot to ask. Thank you for the help! I apologize for that error.

  2. Bumping this thread because I’ve seen Cyclone Taylor has been bought out/closed. Any recommendations for skates in the area? I haven’t purchased skates in 5 years and I’ll be looking for a proper fitting. I’ll be heading up there in two weeks from Seattle. I’ve heard Pro Hockey Life is not recommended for skate fitting. 

  3. On 11/10/2017 at 12:15 PM, kkancho said:

    Yeah this is what i mentioned in the previous page. I'd be interested in trying this as well.

    Tried the P28 and liked it for everything.. except shooting.

    Currently using the bm19 (sakic) from base and liking it.


    or the Laine prostock -- looks like a tweaked P92 but read about it and sounds interesting.



    *would be easy to market for base

    I'll need to brush up on my Finnish but I like the lie and blade height on the Laine curve. Interesting video, his shot is incredible. 

  4. Here's my Gear:

    Skates: (old skates) Graf 705 & Bauer XXX (XXX Gloves too)



    Gloves: XXX ^


    Stix: CCM Vector V110 - Recchi

    Nike quest 2 - PH2 Brind'amour

    Easton syNergy Grip - Modano

    Curves: Brind'amour Modano Recchi


    All the Rest:


    Oh Yeah.... Clear Tape+Broken stick=New Meaning to Focus Flex!


    what and why did you tape over on your skates

  5. What gloves are those?? thanks.

    custom team order eagles


    coming off the ice... only decent pic i have so far


    team photos sophomore year

    oh the old manager ordered yellow for our gloves and not gold thats why theres the difference in color

    Your orange sweaters are hideous! But nice skates :D

    which ones i have two different ones in the pics

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