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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mackallica

  1. Out of curiosity, what do you look for when evaluating someone? If it's a secret, I understand.
  2. 8$ for a Contour IS cheap. I'm assuming it was just to get the blades in shape not a professional radius job. Some companys can put a pair of runners on a pair of skates that aren't totally exact on the radius level.
  3. It was a joke. You can all laugh now.
  4. Who?? And it makes me even more mad when the kid comes to get me to sharpen the skates because the custy is "eyeing him up". Dude, suck it up. You work here, you're going to get assholes everyday. You're a good sharpener, tell them to trust you and show them your hollow when your done.
  5. I've had a Doctor return a pair of 1 dollar laces. He had to fill out an entire return form, which takes about 5 minutes. This was a doctor, a man who makes hundreds of thousands a year, taking 7 minutes out of his life to return a pair of laces. I just love it when people come in thinking they're extra special and shouldn't have to wait in the sharpening line-up just because they were smart enough to wait 10 minutes before icetime to get them sharpened. I don't mind when I straighten the glove wall or sticks or skate or whatever because half the time they don't even realize they're doing it. They just want to check the stuff out, no big deal. I'm getting paid, I'll straighten it again when they're done. We have some new sharpeners at the store that are only around 16 years old. I know for a fact they are good sharpeners as they go through some grueling training. You don't have to be 25 to find a hollow. I HATE IT when customers say "Your NOT doing my skates" or "Are YOU going to be doing them?". Never judge a book by it's cover, people. I bet some MSHers are guilty of this. If you have had good sharpenings from there before, chances are they are getting trained by the people that did your skates that time. So, give them a shot. Most customers are plesant and it makes the job great, but 1 in 10 you get the phsyco who thinks he's at the top of the world.
  6. Better than XXXXs? I suppose you've used them in a game/practice situation? How can you label a pair of skates better than another without skating in one of the pair? "Seriously though, can I expect 06 ice skates to start droping in price soon? Id really like to convert a high end pair to inline." The prices at my store have already dropped. Went on sale today actually. All vapors, vectors, synergies. Basically all new skates.
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