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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    kor shift 1
  • Hockey Bag
    bauer xx
  • Shin Pads
    mission fuel 900
  • Elbow Pads
    bauer supreme 1000
  • Shoulder Pads
    itech lite
  • Pants
    ccm 859
  • Helmet
    nbh 5500
  • Gloves
    nbh xxxx
  • Stick
    easton elite se pro-stock horcoff

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  1. 5'10" 160lbs rec hockey player (been on skates since i was 3) playmaker but shoot as often as possible pro-stock horcoff (cut 1" from top to make it about 115 flex) Blade: very nice feel on the blade. not super stiff like nbh sticks or s17 but shots still come off very quickly. passes, both taking and giving, are about as good as you can get. there does sound like a bit of a breakdown in the blade so i'm not sure whether the bladder they use is working or if the blade is breaking down. 9/10 Flex: very nice in how it loads and the consistent flex with each shot. wrist shots come off quickly and consistently. slap shots are heavy and hard. the stick loads up very nicely without too much bowing. the taper definitely helps with the shooting aspect and i can't complain... too much... 8.5/10 Weight and balance: not too heavy and not too light. very nice balance from blade to butt. redistribution of weight helps in balance. 9.5/10 Durability: been using this stick for about 3 months (play twice a week usually) and nothing wrong with it that i can see... but again, the blade sounds like it's breaking down but i can't tell in its performance. 10/10 Shooting/Passing: i would rate this stick in the top 3 purely on shooting along with the s17 and xxx-lite. they change in ranks depending on the shot you take but overall shooting, the elite is probably my #1 because it's great for quick wristers and heavy slappers. the taper works well and loads quickly with both shots. as a playmaker, this stick is very nice. the blade has good feel and you know where the puck is at all times when stickhandling. passes sit snug when receiving and come off almost like a wood blade when making a pass. 9.5/10 Conclusion: hard to say that this is the perfect stick but it is above average to near perfect in all categories. if you're looking for a great all around stick, this one has a good price-point and the durability is unquestionable. easton has done created a very good stick in the Elite. 9/10
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