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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Linden, MI.... or Lake Placid, NY

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  1. i completely agree with the shift thing. hate it when i skate out (cuz im normally a goalie) and i get to play 15 minutes of a 2 hours drop in. i never can find it in myself to piss people off and stay out there for the 45 minute shift that some a-holes will take. one more thing that just came to my mind. I cannot stand when a group of kids will come together, play on the same team, and not pass to anyone but each other. It gets really frustrating. You pay the same amount to play as everyone else, so share the puck... doesn't matter if your better than me, i still want to have some fun.
  2. it might have been touched on since i didn't want to read through 14 pages of rules, but the whole drinking out of my gatorade, water bottle.... etc. i bring it for myself and maybe a buddy if he asks but the kids who think they own the rink will suck it down before i know what happens.
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