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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by fastbrother7

  1. I play on two teams, one coed, one mens A. My mens team is a whaler-themed team and my coed team is primarily black. I also coach.

    Gear in use:

    Helmets- Bauer 4500, white/ Nike Bauer 3500 Black / Pro Stock CCM HT2, White

    Visor- HejdukSport MHX 990/ Oakley Pro Small Straight Cut

    Gloves- Bauer X:60 Pro, TSR The Whale/ Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX Pro/ Early Pro Stock CCM Knit 4 rolls, navy

    Elbows- Louisville TPX/ Louisville TPX

    Pants/Shell- Easton Synergy Girdle, Nike Bauer Supreme 6000 Shell (Navy) / Easton Synergy Girdle, Nike Bauer Supreme 6000 Shell (Black)

    Shins- Vic Old schools x 2 pair ( you know the ones. everyone who every played hockey had at least one pair. they are so old and so sick lol )

    Skates- Bauer Vapor 10 Customs/ Bauer X:60 Customs/ MLX w/ ls2 holders

    Sticks- Mission Hex Prostock tapered shafts w/TPS R10 blades/ Nike Trigger Grip Shaft w/ Warrior AK27 Blade

    Gear not in use:

    Too much lol

  2. I don't have any new gear to show off, but I wanted to lament my recent loss.

    Rest in peace, Mission Flyweight (Metamorphic handle, 10-7 flex). You will be dearly missed.

    Thats the worst when you break something you broke in for so long.......I had a an old aluminum TPS gold like that *sniffle*

  3. No new gear just yet, waiting for my MLX'S and some other stuff, but I caught my first live NHL game last friday, and my AK connection got me through to get Stamkos to ink this jersey. Then I had my buddy ink it to add to the AK pro hockey collection for my sons room (had Dubi and Gomez already):





  4. Pretty sure those are the new Projekt gloves...

    Yep. Projekts. Im not really too sure what the difference is between these and eraser pros, but they do feel more comfortable than last years 14" erasers. They are light, and the color scheme isnt too bad unlike last years model. Im more of a four roll guy, but like I said, Mansko's are probly next haha

  5. Almost bought a pair of his All-Star gloves but those damn single-piece fingers and that long-ass cuff. Ugh.

    Yeah, I had a pair of his from the brief Mission run, and that cuff was brutal so I gassed them. But since he has small hands like I do, the glove fits well. On these, while the cuff is short, the extra backroll nullifies this, but they are surprisingly comfy. You are right, the one-piece fingers are annoying, but its all good, beggars cant be choosers lol. A friend of mine is roomates with a good buddy of SG and he gave him a pair of these warriors that he would have used if he had been selected for the Olympics. They are sick. They fit my hand perfect, and SG's buddy has man-slap hands so he will never wear them. I told him he should pass them to me lol

  6. Ice Warehouse says the EQ5 have a different fit from past Easton skates... What was the fit like for you? No LHS near here has them!

    Also I remember reading in a MSH skate thread they would not be available for custom. But i could be misremembering too...

    Yeah they are a different fit. I wear an 8 in most easton skates ( 7.25 in bauer, 7.5 in graf, 7 in ccm ) and in the eq5 im a 7.5. As far as custom goes, as long as I go get my ls2's bolted up to them, i can complain too much, although I am a white-felt tongue proponent:)

  7. I said it when I first saw these. Throw on some white laces and it'll look even better.

    True story. I Would like to see these with white laces and white holders as well. However the shop where I get my gear through has decided not to carry them as the manager feels there may be an issue with the dye in the holders. I dont really care because those holders would be on ebay in a heartbeat. The shop I saw them at charges retail plus 20-25 percent, i.e. the place I shop at charges $799.99 for the Total ones, while they charge like $899.99. So I wont be abel to call a pair of these my own, but Im not loosing any sleep over it lol.

  8. Nothing new Im sure, but I was at a local LHS and saw these:


    I do Miss the old black on black, I just wish they sold the boot alone. Or with blue holders. One100's. Im pretty sure they only had one pair.

  9. While I respect and like the custom eagle gloves, TSR really killed it with the bauers. I am quite pleased:)

    Lindros wore them for sure......he's the reason I bugged my dad to buy me these:


    At the Champions Choice warehouse sale up here, no joke there were at least 30 sets of these, donzis, and douglas'. Crazy.

  10. My latest picks up from last week and the week before. 2010 Dolomite Spynes Non Grip, and a brand new pair of Easton GX 1350's.


    Thats keeping it real. I loved those back in the day. Fortunately a local shop who is known for holding on to old things because they dont come down on their prices is having a warehouse sale next weekend, so Ill see what I can find:)

  11. Gotta love thos guys!

    True story. There was this one guy who you would swear was homeless when he got on the ice, but he was like the Earl Manigault ( wikipedia this guy if you dont know who he was, basically the best basketball player never to play pro ) of mens lague hockey. The guy had these ripped up cooperalls and helmet that was missing almost every screw, a jofa titan stick, and old old old ccm tacks, but he was sick. I mean, I threw up on myself.

  12. I always rock that style, and those same elbow pads! They're most comfy ive ever had for sure. (only ever owned 2 pairs though...)

    Those elbow pads are the best ever. That guy with the old-school gear is actually "old-school" good. You know those guys who show up and you are like "really, seriously?", then they dangle everybody lol

  13. How are you liking the R6? is that in reg or stiff flex?

    Its actually a whip flex. I like my wrist shot and snapper with it, but its way too flexy for slappers. I play on an adult mens team and a coed team and I mainly use it for coed cause there's no slappers allowed. If it was a regular flex, I think it would be more versatile for me. Since Im short, so if i get a stiff flex its too stiff and a regular is usually decent, but the stick was only $99 and they had 1 left. Beggars cant be choosers lol. But overall, its a pretty decent stick for the price.

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