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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by 1q3er5

  1. a rounded toe (easier for pulling in toe drags from a distance) and again with a closed face and big mid curve
  2. is there such thing as a malkin curve but with a more rounded toe like p28 or my fav a w71???
  3. no the warrior w08 was never carried on by anyone (you can get it as a custom stick from warrior but $$$$) - I mean you could say its a closed face 88 curve with a much deeper curve and a long blade
  4. i really want to see what the p46 looks like in person. the reason you hate the p28 for ball hockey is the same for me - just by looking at the wedge on the stick (openess of the blade) i could tell every shot will be going sky high. It's much easier to get "under" a ball vs a puck. sure you can roll your wrists more or have an earlier release, but that usually costs power on your shot. the W71 you will have a similar issue but it doesn't wedge as much and it opens up later near the toe - BUT it is amazing for passing and toe drags. it's no slouch in the shooting category either but you gotta take snap shots starting mid blade or be mindful when taking wrist shots. it has a super deep curve so you can fire laser beam passes and if you manage to keep your wrist shots down - you will be able to get a LOT of power due to the deep curve. Slaps shots - I've had no issue with for ball hockey. ok the p30 curve - i just can't use this and i don't know why. it has a nice curved toe for toe drags. almost a closed face (it still opens up a little). Shorter blade length. Sounds good but i find i cant get elevation on my wrist shots and i don't get much power either (probably cuz of the shorter blade length). Snap shots come flying off the stick you you start shooting mid blade though -I'll give it credit for that. I have this stick and i haven't given up on it yet - its still good for stick handling and passing but something seems off about it for ball hockey. My ideal curve for ball would be something with a deep curve (like the old W08 kovolchuk - no longer made) and a closed face and a curved toe for toe drags. Unfortunately all the sticks with rounded toes also have crazy open blades - not good for ball hockey 😞
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