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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. i was backed up about 13 pair today and the counter was full so this guy comes into the repair/sharpening room puts his skates next too me on the sharpener and says and i quote "can you buzz these wheels up right quick for me chief, junior has a game in 15 minutes" at this point i am very very angry because A. you came into the back room B. you used a term like "Buzz these wheels","Chief" C. you jumped in front of 13 pair of skates so i politely tell the man of the store policy of a first come first serve basis and i will get to his skates as soon as i can, he gets very angry and tells me how big and important "Junior's" game was and i shouldn't put myself in the situation to ruin "Juniors" career, at this point i am flat out pissed off so i being polite as i can ask him to take his skates and to get them in line, he proceeds to throw a little cussing hissy fit and storms out slamming the door causing my Ryan Miller signed Winter Classic picture to fall off the wall and the frame to break, now i am pissed i stop sharpening the skates i was on walk out of the room and tell him to leave and never come back to which he swears again at me and tells me that he was looking to outfit his son with all new equipment and that he was going to ruin my store by telling everyone and i mean everyone how bad the customer service is and he is going to make the store's name MUD in the AAA hockey organization as if it was some sort of cult.... sorry i needed to vent i am still heated about 12 hrs later
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