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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by layziebone_

  1. There's been many discussions about the sweet stick type devices on this site. Many people say it ruins your edge and it's a no no. A few have said it works great and if used properly, it wont ruin an edge. Personally, since I've bought the Miracle Stone, I put away my sweet stick and I get a lot more consistency in my skates. What I mean is that I don't get those random moments where my skates just slip under me.

  2. Helmet - RBK 4K. 9500 cage/HS22 Aviator shield

    Shoulder - NBH Supreme 70

    Elbow - NBH Supreme 50

    Gloves - Vapor X. Hoping to upgrade to One75 soon

    Pants - RBK 5K

    Shin - NBH Supreme 50

    Skates - One95

    Stick - RM19 shaft/Easton prostock wood blade. One95 shaft/Sherwood 950 blade. One90 shaft/One90 composite blade

  3. so I'm planning on joining my first garage-league this summer. I'm up in Quebec so I've played pond hockey like all my life. I went out last week to get my first set of equipment and wanted to post:

    Supreme 70 shoulders

    Supreme 50 elbows and shins

    Vector 4.0 skates (only weight 135 lbs so that's not alot of weight on them)

    Rbk 5k pants

    Rbk 4k helmet with HS22 aviator visor

    Vapor X gloves

    One90 shaft with RM9 blade

    One 50 ops(back-up I guess)

    Anything I should know about my equipment before I rip the tags off? I understand the skates and gloves aren't the best out there.

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